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Sam Winchester

"Nah, don't think so," the voice replied.

Sam and Dean exchanged a worried glance. Sam cleared his throat before he spoke into the microphone. "Are you a fan? You are doing great." Dean gave him a what-the-fuck-do-you-think-you-are-doing-glare. Sam glanced at his big brother and he relaxed shortly afterward, he formed a plan in his head.

Those guys were definitely demons. Most likely the ones that kept in contact with Mel. However, if they told everyone they weren't fans, they would be discovered as fake and be taken down by guards. However, the demons decided to play into his game. "I am a big fan. Do you mind answering some questions...Sam Winchester?"

Dean turned alarmed at him. Sam grabbed him by the arm, his grip tight. He let go when Dean's tension became gone. He then gestured at the fans before he turned in the direction of the demon. "I am Jared, but sure, I can be Sam too. What's your question?"

"Is it true Jensen Ackles is mentally ill? And that he believes he is hundred present Dean?" The demon asked. 

A few mumbles crossed the room. Sam didn't rush into the answer, rather he let the fans talk for a while before considering how to do it. From what he could hear in the front lines, they believed what the demon was saying. They also stated interesting things such as Jensen acting out of character in moments. Although, it has quickly begun to take off.

"It's not true," Sam started. "Jensen is a brother to me, be it off or on screen." The fans nodded in agreement, others squealed in delight. Sam was slightly disturbed but decided not to show it. "He is completely fine, he doesn't want to talk about it since is personal stuff going on. Once we know more about the problem, we will tell you."

A co-worker for the comic con walked up to take the microphone from the demon however, it flashed its black eyes and she froze. Dean was quick to act on it. "Demon, stop your bullshit. No innocents need to die," he said.

The fans stood up from their chairs. horrified in their gazes. Sam used the microphone to gain the audience's attention. "Listen here, trust us on this." People began filming what happened in the space, white lights blinded him. "This is not a joke. You are in danger," Sam said firmly. Sam nodded towards Dean.

Dean jumped down to the floor as smooth as ever before he charged to the demon, he smashed the demon's skull to the surface. Its sicking thud echoed to the now quiet room. Dean then let got and the demon slipped to the ground. Dean's shoulders moved quickly. Sam gestured to people backstage to get the body away. They followed his unsaid words efficiently.

Sam put the microphone on the seat and walked over to Dean in determining steps. The other demons were still close by. They had to act carefully. "We should get the cops here." Dean's breath rigid to his chest, Sam gave him a reassuring glance, he patted Dean's shoulder. Then he noticed the cameras pointed at them.

A cold rush got through his veins. Sam took a deep breath before he snagged his big brother out of the room. Dean stared startled at him. "What the hell, man?" He mumbled.

"Just let go, Dean," Sam said. They quickly went back into the green room. Dean avoided looking at him and stared into his hands instead. "We got to get back in there later but first, we need to stop the demons."

"Yeah, right. If they see us with weapons they will pee their pants, Sammy," Dean rolled his eyes. "We shouldn't have left them," he muttered shortly after.

Sam grabbed some water and drank it. "If we go charging in and kill them, it won't help anyone either. Mel would label Jensen and Jared as killers if we did," Sam swore under his breath and took his hands through his hair. He glanced around the room. The fresh air came from a window that faced the outside. Out there somewhere above the stars, Jensen, Jared, and Misha attempted to follow through with their plan.

However, Cas had been gone for too long. His messages had been answered but he hadn't told Dean yet. Dean found fan gifts and began to add some weapons he had no idea his big brother had with him. Sam raised his eyebrow. "Dean, what made you take with you small bombs? This is crazy."

Dean smirked at his answer. "We," he emphasized, "are crazy." Then he packed it and they both went back. Before the demons could react, they had them caged in the green room. Sam tricked them into following them back before Dean started questioning them.

"Who sent you? He asked without showing any sign to wait for them to answer. "Oh wait," he half-joked. "Mel did."

Sam nodded. The demons stood stuck in a demonic circle, Sam drew there before they trapped them. "You better tell us where Cas is, and I and my brother will spare your life. But no promises. Isn't that right, Dean?" Sam said in a low voice.

"Yeah, we are the ones you should fear. So, where is the angel?" Dean played the blade in his hand. He struck the demon before he withdrew just as quickly. The demon spat at him however Sam punched the demon in the face.

"Well?" Dean said with heavy sarcasm. "We can either to bad cop or good cop. Your choice, even though, whatever you do. Is our win. Where is he?"

The demon's face was full of bloody by then. "He is not here. When you find him, it will be too late."

"Shut up," Sam snapped. He punched the demon again for good measure. "Where. Is. He?" He said with more force.

"He is in Texas, you ass," the demon rolled his eyes. Dean didn't wait for Sam to stop him and stabbed the demon to death.

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