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Castiel stretched his body on the bed, a yawn escaped his lips. Castiel blinked a few times before the world came into the view again. Dean was already dressed in Jensen's clothes, it consisted of a light brown jacket, an AC/DC shirt, and black boots. Sam wore a black jacket, matching shoes, and a blue scarf. Castiel focused some more and noticed Sam also wore a gray hoodie.

"Rise and shine," Dean said, a grin plastered on his face when his eyes met Castiel's own.

"I don't shine, Dean," he frowned in confusion. Sam stared at him for a moment before he threw at him some clothes from Dean's bag. Castiel picked them up in wonder. Sam shrugged when he looked at him from answers.

"It's not in the literal sense—" Dean stopped midsentence and facepalmed. "Forget about it, we are going in five," he turned his back to him before he flipped open the desks to find the last things they needed.

After Castiel dressed up in a gray suit they were ready to go. Dean sat in the, according to him 'driver seat' as Sam took the shotgun seat. Castiel didn't understand what was so important about that. For hours they drove in silence, sometimes Dean tried to catch Sam's gaze. But they avoided a topic for certain.

Castiel's eyes scanned the huge building when they arrived. People squealed when they caught sight of Sam and Dean. "The fans I suppose," Castiel commented to the sudden tense air. They would have to get through them to get to the room.

"Yeah," Sam answered, his lips pressed to a thin line.

Dean rolled his eyes and got out of the car, Sam followed his example with Castiel shortly behind. Castiel got blinded by the white lights from the mobile phones. Dean was quick to see his reaction and grabbed him by the arm as he leads him through the screaming. His grip around his suit.

Castiel's eyes narrowed by Dean's tensed body language. His smile did not reach his eyes but Sam made it better than both of them together. Castiel settled on a couch when they arrived in the room. He rubbed his temple. "You want me out there, talking to the people?" Castiel. If you can even call them that Castiel thought.

Sam took a chair and sat on it, he stared at his hands for a moment before he turned to him. "Yes, you have to, Castiel. They will ask about what happened up to now in the season. And they know you will be here as well. We can't do this without you."

Dean grabbed a soda and wrinkled his nose. "No beer? Really?" Dean frowned as he sat the soda at the table in the room. He rubbed his back head, his eyes flashed in worry.

"I can help in another way," Castiel suggested.

Dean's eyes narrowed at that. "You got no powers anymore, is not much you can do anyway," he shrugged. His hands picked on the foods and drinks on the table.

"Fine," he crossed his arms over his chest. Ignore his millennia-long knowledge about warfare, combat training, and trusted abilities from higher-ranking angels. Not that Dean and Sam knew this. He kept it for himself. The humans did not trust him yet.

"I sent them a message and we are ready to go as scheduled," Sam informed them after they read Jared's message. "For this panel, they want Misha and Jensen together."

"Heh, I got to say they got the taste," Dean wiggled his eyebrows as he ate a candy bar. He froze before he took the second bar by Sam's words. "No way, Sammy!" Dean slammed his hand against the table. "I can barely talk to an interviewer and far less to a crowd of people."

"You can," Sam assured him. "You have done it before, this is no different."

Dean sighed. "Okay," he started. "Only if you promise you will be on the next panel with me," Dean's distress was clear on his face.

Sam nodded and Dean relaxed his shoulders visibly. Castiel believed Dean hadn't even been aware of it. Sam and Dean's relationship was still chaotic for him to understand. But he knew without telling them, they were the true vessels to Lucifer and Michael.

Dean lifted his hand, his gaze met his own. "Fair warning, there are demons out there and don't play into their game, alright?" Dean used his commanding voice. Castiel nodded slowly but he wanted to tell him coldly that he knew what he was doing just fine.

Castiel excited with Dean short afterward, Dean told him to have his hands in his pockets and that he walked 'too stiffly for Misha'. Castiel only did what he was told because Dean knew about the human behavior he didn't have any access to. Plus he wanted to pee...

Dean entered first and got a huge applause, he introduced smoothly as if he had done it his whole life. But Castiel saw the clench of his hands, his green eyes bigger than usual — a sign of fear.

Castiel waved at them and grinned as truthfully he could. It gave him many screams, Castiel took a minute to understand they were yelling nonsense. Quickly he sat down in one of the comfortable chairs. Dean gave him a microphone and winked at him. Castiel didn't read too much into it.

"Hello everyone," Castiel used the Misha voice Dean had helped him with during the filming. "I am Misha, the cool guy," he smiled brighter. Dean's eyes winded in surprise but he was quick to cover himself back the mask.

"Yup," Dean said and put his arm on Castiel's shoulders. "He got my back," he said softer. Dean patted him as he withdrew his arm. "We can begin on the left line. What's your question, young lady?" Dean asked.

Castiel was to put it simply, impressed by Dean's lying and acting.

"So far this season, we know that Castiel has ulterior issues about the brothers. What do you think about that?"

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