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Jensen Ackles

The shock of killing monsters still chilled his bones. Misha exchanged a scared glance in his direction. Jensen flinched when he heard a door got shut. He stood up and went into another room to clean up the blood on his hands. Jensen put watered on his face while the cold guttering feeling stayed.

He took lives. Jensen leaned towards the wall, he held back the cries that wanted to get out of his throat. Misha needed stable people in this messed-up universe and Jensen would take the role without whining. Dean taught him this early on when he started acting him. Jensen took a deep breath before he walked over to Misha again.

He patted him on the shoulder. "Why don't I make you some coffee before Jared came back? We can watch a movie, whatever you want," Jensen smiled. Misha nodded back, his tensed shoulders relaxed under his palm.

Jensen's footsteps echoed in the silent house. He found the ingredients to make coffee and got on it. A few minutes later, two coffee cups were ready. Jensen found Misha watching some random program hunting program Bobby liked to watch. They sat in silence before Misha decided to break it.

"You know the girl and Castiel I saw?" Misha started, he gave him a worried stare before he took another small sip from his cup. Jensen waited, he had a good idea what might came next.

"Yeah?" Jensen asked. Everything else than to think of the dead bodies in the restaurant. It made his hands shiver only thinking about it. Anything to be distracted, Jensen welcomed.

"Castiel did warn me I had no idea what I was getting into and I don't think you do either," Misha finished.

Somehow, the newbie nailed it straight away. He was learning. Jensen couldn't help but laugh. He held his hand on his stomach since he laughed so hard. Misha stared at him like he grew out three heads. "Yes, you are right. We got no idea what we are doing but it's working so far?" Jensen wiggled his eyebrow and Misha tried to hold back his smile.

"For how long?" Misha said. He rubbed his hand against his backhead. A frown covered his face. Misha looked damn scared in Jensen's eyes and he could understand. This world wasn't for people that wanted a quick watch and be done with it. Supernatural was much more than that both he and his fans knew that.

"I don't know," Jensen shrugged. "Could be years or days," Jensen continued.

Misha sighed although, he put the cup on a table. "Nice stuck here with two people I barely know. Almost getting murdered. On top of that, weird stuff going on that makes no sense."

His Dean's thoughts immediately narrowed down while it picked apart the meanings between Misha's words. "Crap," Jensen swore under his breath. "It means we got to get out of here, the demons might already have told Crowley we are not the people we say we are. I got to call Jared," Jensen took up Dean's phone he fixed earlier in the same way Dean did in the episode.

Just then, Jared arrived, his eyes narrowed, his shoulders tense. Jensen moved over to him without thinking, Jensen grabbed hold of Jared's shoulders. Dean's worry etched into his heart as if was his own. "We have to leave," Jensen said. The rest of his message his green eyes told Jared.

Jared picks on it and turned away before he headed up to pack three bags Winchester style. "In ten minutes!" Jensen yelled.

"On it!" Jared responded quickly, the sounds of clothes and weapons being packed came from above their heads.

Later, the three of them arrived at the car without questioning, Jared threw the car keys in his direction. Jensen grabbed them before he started Baby when everyone was inside. They had left a message they were out hunting in a state Jensen told Jared to chose.

"So..." Misha mumbled when they were on the main road, emerald hills and trees as far the eye could see. "Where are we going?"

Jared answered for him, he was busy enough trying to figure out the coordinates from John's journal to find one of the secret cabins he used when the Winchester's needed to be under the radar. It would gain them some valuable time Jensen afforded to know.

Days later Jensen figured out the things (Jared killed two demons on the way but Jensen nor Jared didn't talk about it) to find the cabin. It was isolated by thick trees, the woods as a camouflage surrounded it. Jensen took his bag, the weight light because Jensen did training before the new season to be in shape for Dean's fights on set. But now, he would have to use them for real.

Jared made hamburgers they paid for on the road, they didn't have much to talk about. But something Misha said prior still bothered him. If Misha and Castiel could keep in contact it existed a glitch somewhere that they escaped from. He thought about it.

Once Misha was out of the room, Jared and Jensen started one of their strategy talks. They did this before interviews sometimes as well when the situation called for it. However, was hunted them wouldn't stop before they were drop dead.

"Misha can reconnect to Castiel somehow," Jared suggested. "It should be from an episode, right? The writers always keep control of it," he continued in deep thought.

Jensen rolled his eyes. "We haven't read that far. And never had an episode where we traveled from the Supernatural universe to our own. The best bet is to trust Dean and Sam will figure something out," Jensen ruffled his hair.

"How? Probably the spells won't work the same way it does here in the meantime, we can hunt like do and stay undercover," Jared opened John's journal and went through the pages. He pointed at one. "This should work, you in?"

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