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Jared Padalecki

He stepped out of the house. Jared noticed the impala but chose to take the bus instead. When he arrived at the bar, it was around the middle of the day. Jared asked for Sam's usual dish. He used most of his time to recall what would happen in the conversation he planned to have. Jared heard the familiar footsteps of Genevieve—Ruby.

Her black leather jacket with jeans in the same color. Ruby's mud-brown hair laid in waves behind her, Jared had to remind himself it wasn't the woman he liked. Deeply. Jared did not wish to complicate Sam's life any further. The problem was they both felt the same love for the same woman. 

It would hurt, Jared knew that. "Are you all right, Sam?" Ruby asked. She sat down in front of him. Jared turned his gaze in her direction. Ruby leaned backward as she crosses her arms over her chest. "You acted weird. Did you tell Dean about what you are doing?"

Jared put his face completely blank.  "He doesn't need to know," Jared folded his hands on the wooden table. "I am fine," he lied straight afterward. Ruby was ready to protest because she opened her beautiful mouth to speak. "Listen, Dean got enough to deal with. He came back from hell, the last thing Dean would want. Is hearing about this," Jared gestured between them.

"You still need to practice," Ruby stated. "Blood is one thing but using it, that's different. We will keep in touch," she put her hands over his.

A grim memory he dealt with a demon and not the kind woman he usually co-acted against on-screen. In his head, two different voices battled for dominance. One craved the touch as a fish demanded water. The other told him, Jared should be running for the hills by now. Jared's jaw clenched. The conflicted expression made Ruby flinch away from him.

"It is something off about you," Ruby said. Surprise mirrored themselves in her dark brown eyes. Close to black but Jared could get lost in them any day.

"No, it's not," Jared stopped midsentence and covered his hand over his face. He sighed. "When can I practice again? The better I am, the more people I can save," Jared said. His eyes wary locked into Ruby's.

Ruby grabbed hold of his arm but not before Jared paid. They walked now onto the cold, shadowed open space. The streetlights turned on. The yellow light illuminated their faces. White breaths colored the air. Jared turned towards her. "I won't tell Dean," Jared said again.

"You have to, he needs to know. Lying can work for a while, yes but not forever," Ruby moved closer to him. Her eyes oh, so tender and loved. Jared blinked to snap out of it.

"I told him a promise and he is better off thinking I am keeping it. What did you want? You don't normally tell me an urgent message like this unless is something big happening," Jared said. He moved on his feet uncomfortably. He tried to focus beyond the demon, he knew Jared was seeing. Yet, once again, his hope in vain.

"Are you listening to yourself?" Ruby laughed. She threw her head back as she did so. Ruby's neck or Genevieve, made him have an urge to bite into it. Jared staggered back a few steps.

That wasn't him at all. Somehow, he could relate a new sensation within himself that wasn't Jared. A momentarily moment of fright scared the crap out of him. A soft hand touched his shoulder. Ruby came into view again.

"You need more demon blood," Ruby tugged him into one of the dark corners where they were out of sight. Her voice playful compared to his own. Jared wanted so badly to kiss her, however, not as Ruby but Genevieve—before Jared finished his thought, Ruby used her knife carved with Latin words to cut her arm as she took it in front of his face.

A smile played on her lips. "Drink," she said.

And the second time, that evening, an urge Jared never knew before drove him forward to drink hungrily from her arm. It smelled metallic in his nostrils as well, although, the liquid stuck into his mouth. Jared's hands automatically grabbed harder around her arm. Close to moved Ruby to the nearby wall.

He lost the sense of everything around himself except the taste of demon blood. It fueled his veins, ecstasy. Suddenly, too quickly for Jared liking, Ruby withdrew her arm from his mouth. Jared heard his panting loud and clear. Her features were paler in the little light that reached her face. She smiled at him. A genuine one. With one of her hands, Ruby put it over her wound. She flinched slightly.

Jared's feet moved closer to her but he stopped once Jared recognized the stare. Jared backed off slowly. He wiped away the blood that dripped from his mouth. The guilt already formed in his stomach. It ate his insides. As a heavyweight, Jared knew Sam carried around often even when he refused to tell Dean.

"Here," Ruby gave him a short piece of paper as she turned around Ruby said, "you usually don't take that much. Anyway, follow these coordinates. It's a case for you." Then Ruby vanished as she had never been there.

Jared leaned against the wall as he facepalmed to himself. He collected his thoughts before he took the road to Bobby's house. What met his sight, wasn't pretty. Jensen helped Misha to sit down on a chair, he looked as pale as a ghost. Jensen sat then below on the ground, crunched while he stared up at Misha. When he noticed Jared, surprise, and relief passed between them.

Jensen cleared his throat before he started explaining. "We got ambushed when we were at a bar. By demons, obviously." Jensen took a deep breath, something he always did when he was hurt. Jensen's voice shook by his next words. "And I killed almost everyone, except one, that got away."

All sound disappeared. Jared stood frozen on his spot. His heart beat rapidly. Jared never had an idea, Jensen would actually kill someone. Something was changing and Jared didn't like it.

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