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Sam Winchester

The ground started to shake underneath his feet. Sam's eyes widened and he grabbed hold of Dean's shoulder tightly. This was exactly thirteen minutes since Cas had left the building. Dean's green eyes met his own. "We got to get out of here," Dean said, already moving to exit the door. Unfortunately, more than five people stood outside. One of them smiled viciously. Her eyes turned pitch-black

Dean raised his hands to fight. Sam followed his example, while Dean took care of the demons on his front, Sam blocked and knocked some unconsciously by hitting their heads against the wall, floor, or his favorite in a death-grip. He closed his eyes, the power surged forward in his veins. The demon's mouth opened to attempt an escape. Sam forced the demon into agony. Its eyes blazed for a few seconds.

Dean struggled to keep two demons at bay. Sam moved his hand. He clenched it. The demons were gone just like the prior. Dean turned to him. His mouth opened in shock. Fury passed his eyes. Dean walked up to him. "Sam, something you want to tell what the hell is going on?" Before he managed to open his mouth Dean's fists curled around his t-shirt. The pain flared up his chest as stinging bees.

"I am sorry—"

"You promised," Dean said devasted. He bit his underlip, his eyes filled with tears. Dean held a strong front to avoid shedding them. "To stop," Dean finished. He stood frozen. Sam was too scared to move.

Sam's jaw clenched. A thousand answers were at the corners of his mind. None which Dean would easily accept. He sighed. Dean paced back and forth. Sam got a pretty good idea of what went through his mind. Dean felt betrayed. He was frustrated he never held his promise.  Dean stopped suddenly. A swoosh of air, then Dean's fist connected to his face.

It throbbed at his skin. Sam blinked. "Dean," he started again. "Listen to me, I save people we otherwise would have killed. That is a good thing," Sam said. He noticed the person tried to lift herself, he kneeled to her and helped her up. He shushed her softly before Sam whispered to her to get back to wherever she was supposed to go.

"And so?" Dean's heartbroken voice shattered what was left of defense inside of him. Dean glanced down, he seemed small compared to when Sam was a kid. Dean. Always the hero. He knew his brother better than anyone. Dean's head lifted again. "You can't just do that man." Not to me went unsaid.

"You were dead, Dean," Sam opened his arms. He let his arms slide to his side when Dean showed no sign of acceptance. "I had to do something. Hunting. Whatever. I tried to save you for months. No crossroad demon wanted to help me. I did everything I could."

"Clearly not enough," Dean's voice raised in irritation. 

Sam bit back an answer that would be pissed his big brother off if he said it. Who was the one to went to hell for him? That was Dean. Who went to protect him at any cost and were willing to die for it only because John commanded it? Dean. He wanted to die and was at peace with it. Sam stared defiantly at his brother. "I did what I had to do."

Dean rubbed his backhead. "Anyway, I think Mel knows what we are doing."

"We can't keep running, people will become suspicious if we do," Sam said. He moved to get into the room again. But stopped in his movements when more demons appeared in the hallway. Sam felt the drain in his bones at seeing them. It was too soon. Using his power took out his capability by a huge inch. Crap. Horror reflected itself in his eyes. Sam's palm tightened.

Before Sam's reaction, a cold soft hand wrapped itself around his neck. Everything became closer and closer to black. He heard faintly Dean screaming his name and attempted to wrestle out of a demon's grip. Panic shook through him as a razor.

Dean's veins bulged in his neck by the sheer force he tried to get to him.

Then everything faded into nothingness and numbness.


He woke from the dizziness in his head. Sweat dripped down from his cheek. Sam's ass was on a cold blue metal chair. Both his feet and hands were bound tight in thick ropes. Sam rolled his eyes. The cold made his teeth clatter in his skull. Sam knew how to get out of the problem. That wasn't an issue. Dad had been strict on things like this. Even though, Sam never really was a fan of the training he was grateful in times like these.

He heard Dean coughing on the chair beside him. His light brown hair ruffled, most of his face filled with dirt, Sam caught sight of blood from his nose that ran down his cheek. His heart started to beat quickly in his chest. Who dared to hurt his brother? Sam thought in anger. "Dean," he said.

Dean barely moved his spot. He was also tied with him but Sam trusted Dean. He was the most effective to get out of situations like these. He was more the guy planning how to kill the son of a bitch. "You okay?"

"Just peachy," Dean said with heavy sarcasm in his voice. "You plan to stare all day, princess?" Dean lifted his eyebrow. Sam resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Count on Dean to make the jokes. He twisted his hands for a moment.

"I already tried," Dean snapped. "Didn't work," he added shortly after.

"Yeah, is obvious. You know what to do right?" Sam said.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Yep, keep your mouth shut and irritate the crap out of the asshole until you let yourself loose to kick his sorry ass where the sun doesn't shine. Sounds like a plan to you?"

Sam grinned. "Yep, it does."

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