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Misha Collins

Jared glanced nervously in his direction before he heard him answer in utter calm. "He is a hunter, Bobby. Nothing to worry about," Jared said before he frowned and listened to Bobby's response. His hands clenched as Jared took a deep breath, he ruffled his hair. "Listen, I will explain everything but not now. We got things to do. I will call back." Jared cut off the call and stared at them.

"What did he say?" Misha asked incuriously. He wondered what Bobby told Jared that made him worry so much. He only caught bits and pieces of the conversation. However, Jensen seemed to have understood more than him.

"Basically that we haven't called him for a long time. And he still doesn't believe Misha slash Castiel is a hunter of any kind. He must have researched a bit to come to that conclusion," Jared responded.

"Damn it," Jensen said, his voice raised in volume. "We got enough on our plate already, Bobby doesn't know half of it. For all we know, us being here can destroy the layers by the universes. You know the ones dividing fiction from real life. But this got to be real, right?" Jensen sighed and looked helplessly at Jared.

At these moments, Misha began to realize how deep their bond went. He needed to train how to use the mojo as Jensen kept referred it as. Misha wasn't stupid, he could be their best bet with it. However, Jensen and Jared were nowhere near useless. They knew the world like their back pocket, combat training (in fake fighting), and knew the story better than anyone except the writers and the others. "It's real," Misha said. "But for Jared's plan to work out, I need to know how to use the mojo the same way Castiel does."

"And we need more scripts from the season," Jared added. "Plus, the characters should be having the cons right now, since they are halfway in season four. But nobody except the head writer has more concrete ideas about the ending. Which we, by the way, don't know," Jared shrugged.

"Good point," Jensen said but glanced at him. "But when Misha knows how to use Cas's powers we can use your plan Jared and kick some ass. I miss my trailer goddamn it," he sighed. He had a statement Misha agreed with. He really began to miss home.

To read through fanmail, looking for new stuff to try out in acting. Chat with friends, hanging out at the big events some people dreamed about their whole lives. He was grateful for that, but for him, the lesser things meant more. Friends. Family. To help people in some way even if he had bad days himself too.

"I will train, I want to get home," Misha said. "Any of you have an angel blade? Castiel uses it all the time when fighting plus I need to tell you something, Jared. In private." When Jensen opened his mouth to protest he grabbed Jared's arm and dragged them out of hearing distance.

"Jared, I know you care about Ruby in some ways because of the actress. It's no secret," Misha started. Jared avoided his glance and stared in worry in Jensen's direction. He took a deep breath before he continued. "Ruby works under Mel. And I know don't where she disappeared to after you rescued me. And when are you guys going to talk about the toll the killing is taking on you?!"

This took Jared by surprise and his attention to him. He straightened his back while his hazel eyes narrowed at him. "She trusts me, I can use it to our advantage, Misha. And yeah, we will talk about it. But Jensen is quite closed off about it. Give him time and he will talk. But not before that, sorry."

They ended the conversation at that note and walked over to Jensen again. "You are done having 'the talk'?" Jensen said in Dean's voice, Misha didn't think Jensen himself noticed he acted like Dean when he didn't have to.

"Yeah, I suggest we go to a secluded area to train this mojo thingy," Misha said. Jared nodded and they found some hours later the place.

It was inside a huge wood, the trees hid the sun behind them. The green grass waved slowly in the wind. It was comfortable to say at least. Jensen and Jared stood by the other side waiting for him to make the things Castiel was able to do without batting an eyelash.

He took a deep breath and walked inside his mind before he found the door that became existing when the grace entered his body. He licked his lips as his shivering hand opened the door. A full blast hit him in white. Misha's eyes glowed light blue, he saw things he hadn't seen before.

The small particles that made up everything around him, awe and fear spread through his veins. Then static became louder in his head. Millions upon millions of voices talked, screamed, commanded each other. In the start, he didn't hear clearly before pieces began to sound clearer.

Castiel is gone.

There is a crack in the universe, someone report to Raphael!

Branches in hell are opening, we need reserves.

Someone is controlling God.

He gasped, his head pounded hard. Misha blinked and the light blue color disappeared. Holy Jesus Christ. He had barely taken a peek and he felt devasted. Jensen stood by his side, his green eyes met his. He could see deep empathy in them. "Mish?" Jensen asked he rolled his thumb on his shoulder to make him relax.

"I am fine," he wiped away some sweat from his forehead. "The grace thing? Very complicated."

Jared pinched his nose. "Better luck next time. It's our best shot towards her. And the demons will be scared once you control it," he commented. Jared wiped on his phone, he tasted on his phone rapidly. "Getting back to Bobby would do us good."

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