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Jensen Ackles

Jensen took the car keys in his hand. He found the car parked in a back alley. Jensen patted the hood and smiled. Jared cleared his throat but Jensen used some time before he paid attention. Jensen started the ignition. He mentally prepared himself for the road ahead. They would have to drive through a lot of states to reach Bobby's house. From all Jensen knew, they would encounter monsters on the way.

Jensen glanced at Jared before he put in a cassette and We Weren't Born To Follow by  Bon Jovi. Jared gave him a pointed stare and Jensen shrugged. Jensen drove. Miles after miles they passed. From hills to mountains had snow on their tops, to deserts. Jensen tapped his hand on the wheel. "Jensen, we should stop to eat something," Jared said, he yawned as he woke up from his sleeping position.

Misha blinked and stretched his back. He rubbed his eyes. "Where are we?" He asked in confusion. His voice was groggy from sleep. Misha sat up on the leathered seat. He frowned at them. Jensen gestured at the map between himself and Jared. "Dallas?" Misha repeated in the same voice as before.

"Yeah, we are taking the long way to keep off monsters you know," Jensen said.  He opened the door before he slammed it shut. Jared and Misha followed closely behind him. Again, he had the weird feeling in his stomach he lived through Dean's plotline and not his own. They located a mini restaurant some streets later. How convenient.

Jensen had gotten a call from Bobby a few days prior that he didn't tell Jared nor Misha about. Jensen ate a salad for a change, Misha asked for a beer for some reason as Jared asked for fries. They eat their food in silence. Jensen froze in the middle of eating when he heard the flutter of wings. He turned rather slowly. Jared noticed quickly his distress.

A woman that had red hair in natural layers upon her shoulders. Her face pale. The cold blue eyes blazed in recognition. Anna. One of the angels Sam and Dean met earlier in the season. Jensen put down his fork. Jensen looked her up. She wore a black suit and a white shirt underneath. Classic angel clothes. He remembered her from the scripts the characters had given them.

"What do you want?" He asked, a dangerous undertone in his tune. Jared already had his hand over Sam's pistol. Misha stopped eating as he lifted his gaze to the angel. The room dropped in degrees quicker than Jensen could think 'pie'.

"I want to help you," she said. Anna showed no signs of attacking them but Jensen was twitchy either way. Dean's relationship with her...was interesting. But he had no wish to scare her off. Yet. Jensen slowly nodded. 

"How?" Jared asked, already switched to Sam as Jensen did to Dean seconds before. Jared gestured at her prior to leaning back in his chair. "You don't exactly have an army covering your back as far I can see," Jared continued.

"I got a message," Anna began. "I am an angel. My name is Anna. The message is delivered from God directly sent from Michael through me. We have experienced a rift in our reality and God is currently gone from where he was. Nobody has seen him for months now. God is in grave danger and as hell is becoming a huge threat, we need your help."

Jensen and the two others exchanged a shared glance between one another. This was bigger than he thought. Which meant the character's situation must be crappy right now. Jensen leaned closer to her over the table. "I am sorry but we are dealing with the end of the world right now, better luck next time."

She pressed her lips tightly together. "The world needs you, Winchesters," she said. Anna's gaze stopped on Misha for a long moment. Both Jared and Jensen tensed up. No way they would let her harm Misha. Even if he was just a guest star from the show, they damn well would protect him from anything. "Castiel?" Anna said in utter shock.

Misha's mouth opened to respond however, he stopped halfway. "Yes?" Misha said. He gave them a horrified stare that taught Jensen, Misha had no idea who this angel was. Jesus Christ. This wouldn't end well. "Where have you been?" Anna slammed her fists on the table in front of Misha. 

Jensen grabbed the second to save Misha from getting mojoed to nothing. "Bobby sent him. He is learning human behavior," Jensen shrugged. He kicked Jared's foot under the table. Jared swallowed before he caught up on what he was doing.

"Yeah, Castiel has been busy helping us on cases," Jared covered the rest of his lie smoothly.

Anna raised her eyebrow but chose not to comment on it. "You have to understand more than your human lives are on the line here. It's reality as we know it."

Jensen sighed. Of course. Dean would hate it if he didn't speak up against this bullcrap. There always existed free will. And it was unfair Dean put through this again and again. Jensen raised from his chair. "I can do whatever the hell I want with my sorry little life. And you are bailing away from the people you are supposed to protect." Jensen stopped for the effect before he continued. "That's us. The human beings you douchebags don't think are worth anything less than the dirt you walk on. But guess what? You serve us."

Misha reacted rapidly, one second he sat on the chair and the next his head hit the table. Jarring agony spread through his skull. Jensen grit his teeth together. He heard the familiar click of Jared taking the safety off the gun. Yup, he could always count on Jared shooting the right guy. And that person wasn't Misha. People started screaming all around them and had marathon from the exits. Jared showed no reaction to it as far Jensen knew. Woah. Again he was astonished how great an actor he co-acted with on the show.

"Don't make me do this," was the only words that left Jared's mouth. Jensen's heartbeat was in his throat and blood rushed to his skull.

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