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He saw Dean's little brother or rather Lucifer's supposed vessel heading their way and he greeted Dean first. Dean frowned when they found out Sam's research hadn't led them anywhere. "There must be something out there that can help us send a message to the people in our universe," Dean muttered deep in thought.

Sam nodded. "It won't make sense, is too planned for the energies it takes to move us here," Sam said. Some humans passed by and gave Dean and Sam worried looks. Sam didn't seem to notice the silent judgment.

Castiel took them firmly on each of their shoulders and zapped them back into Dean's trailer. It took ten minutes before they recovered. "What the hell was that for, Cas?" Dean groaned in frustration. He squinted his eyes at him.

"Because you were driving unnecessary attention to yourself. This is a matter that shouldn't reach other people's ears. They can begin to think you are insane and lock you down. Also, we got to track down the girl. In the best case, we can communicate with the actors on the other side," Castiel said. He glanced between the brothers. Dean still held his hand on his face while he winced in pain.

Sam looked healthier, he stood straighter. "Wait, Cas, one thing at the time," Sam implied. "There will probably be actor stuff to do, we can't risk running around. The director and everyone will freak out. Rather, solve one problem at the time," Sam said.

Dean finally took a breath, his face gained back it's prior color. "I am with Sammy on this, we should focus on one thing. I think we should find a way back to our own world first. From there, I don't know," Dean said. He rubbed his hands together. Calculation clear in his green eyes.

"How? I have tried everything I know and nothing came up," Sam said, his body tensed. He breathed quickly through his nose. Castiel noticed how the air sparkled into action. He touched Sam's chest and pushed him away from Dean.

"Calm down," Castiel said. Sam gave him a frustrated glare in his direction. Castiel laid more pressure and Sam backed away more, slightly confused about the turn of events. Castiel didn't blame the human, angel powers could be complicated to understand the workings of.

"Someone is playing God," Dean commented. "And we got a clear motive, sure but it doesn't help when we can't talk to her."

Castiel went into the kitchen before he gave the brothers bottles of water. "I can attempt to contact Misha again but the scars between the worlds may shatter and destroy everything alive that we know of," Castiel warned them. 

Dean opened the bottle and drank it completely almost by one sip alone. Sam stood silently still. His mind to be a thousand places at once. "The fans are going to be a problem," Sam exchanged a glance with Dean.

"Yeah, Cas handled them well enough," Dean shrugged, "for now."

Castiel sat down, he turned on the angel radio. He began to hear yelling, screaming, and prayers from everywhere. Castiel tuned into some of them. The news he received was total destruction. It spread fast. Castiel wanted to go straight away however, something stopped him. The three of them were stuck together. If he left, the whole season could be a disaster. That meant, people would discover Sam and Dean weren't Jensen or Jared. Castiel froze on his spot.

"Earth to Cas," Dean said.

"There are others..." Castiel began. Sam and Dean froze in their spot, questions, and confusion passing in both. "Demons, angels, and a few others I didn't manage to catch up on. But they told me to look for information about the king of crossroads."

"Crowley," Sam and Dean said in unison.

"But he isn't here, is he?" Dean commented, then all three of them turned their heads when they heard knocking on the door. A person none of them knew told Castiel it was a few scenes he needed to act in.

Castiel did his scenes the best he could possibly do. Yet the thought of an angel dying out there worried him. It was too calculated to be a random assault of any kind. The timing seemed too specific since there were no reports outside Canada and some places in America. It brewed into a storm Castiel needed to warn the brothers before it would be too late. However, interviews kept coming in his way.

Castiel felt a throbbing pain in his head, he had just finished his last interview of the day. He fell to the ground, small wounds opened in the vessel's fragile skin. The pressure became unbearable and he whimpered under it. Castiel knew when woke up from it, Dean's worried face was in perpetual vision. "You good?" He said.

"No," Castiel responded.

Dean crunched beside him, his hand still on his shoulder. Castiel did not understand why he needed to do so. "Yeah, I kinda saw that," he helped him up before they got back into the trailer again. The darkness outside made his skin crawl. Dean moved him so he leaned against a small sofa.

Slowly Castiel managed to get access to his thoughts as usual. Yet something felt wrong. "Where is Sam?" He asked.

"Trying to call Bobby by using a different set of spells," Dean said. He patted his back and withdrew from him.

Castiel detected lying although, he didn't know why he was doing it. "He said nothing worked?" Castiel asked. Dean rubbed his eyes and sighed.

"Why don't you rest a bit while I go looking for him?" Before Castiel formulated a full answer Dean had already closed the door and left him alone. It made Castiel's hand twitch in the will of doing anything. But he knew it wasn't that easy.

He also had his own mission to take care of. Whatever Dean liked it or not, he needed Dean by his side if they ever returned. It was important. For the whole future.

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