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Misha Collins

Jared and Jensen sat in plastic chairs, the black expensive sunglasses covered their eyes.  The sunlit up the grass underneath his shoes. White flowers enveloped the ground. Misha wiped off the sweat from his forehead. His throat dry as a desert. He shook his grey AC/DC t-shirt (the letters in red) for a few seconds. The fresh cold air hit his chest and made it more bearable. The sea shone it all its glory. It's water glistening in the sunlight. A few meters to his right, an ice cream car sold ice cream to some kids.

They had gotten this vacation from their bosses. They knew what he and his co-actors had been through the last months. That's why they were here right now. The vacation would only last two weeks or else people would be suspicious (especially because his social media was pretty much dead at the moment). A smile spread across his features. Jensen and Jared sat on plastic chairs. A white bag with ice held a few beers, wine, and other stuff Misha didn't know the name of.

Some kids jumped into the sea, white bobbles where they had collided into seconds earlier. Misha put his palms into his pocket. Ahead he heard Jared and Jensen talk to one another. He didn't want to burst into the conversation. It seemed important.

"I can't believe Dean did all that," Jensen glanced over at Jared. His eyes glossed over before he rubbed his eyes. He took a deep breath. Jensen's fists were turning white of the force he held there. "I mean, what we have seen," he paused for a second. "It isn't something you just move on from."

"I know," Jared said, he put his hand on Jensen's shoulder. They both exchanged a knowing stare between one another. Jensen finally relaxed his tense shoulder and leaned back in his chair. It creaked when Jensen moved. "But we are here, aren't we? 'Cause the characters are as brave as we think they are."

Jensen shoved Jared's shoulder playfully. "Yeah, although they don't know about her dying, do they?"

Jared frowned. "No, I don't think they do. However, they cast the final spell so they have to be at least to be aware something died. Or else it wouldn't make any sense. And I am sure Sam would point it out. Dean on the other hand probably will brush it off."

Jensen took his hands over his head and mumbled under his breath. He raised his voice seconds later. "I still see the people I killed, Jared. I feel guilty. I know they were the bad guys and everything. But it doesn't make it right. They were possessed against their will. It's murder."

"You had to do it to survive, just like I did. People don't have to know. This will be between us three only. The press will go all nuts over this if they ever find out. Although, remaining in silence will be the best option if it ever happens."

Misha decided to clear his throat and Jensen and Jared turned towards him. Before Jared managed to put on his mask as Misha liked to call it, he grabbed Jared by the arm. Jensen's mouth opened like a fish on the water. Luckily the training from the other world paid off, moving Jared to the sea was simple. A mischievous glint in Misha's eyes. Jared's hazel eyes barred open in shock, then Misha pushed Jared (fully clothed with blue jeans and a pitch-black leather jacket) into the sea.

Jensen threw his head back and started laughing. Some of the other actors turned at them in surprise. Misha crouched down, "it looks good on you, moose."

Suddenly Jared's hand shot out of the water and took hold of his t-shirt and dragged him under. His body now hundred present dripping wets. The surprise was still evident in Misha's eyes. He pushed Jared away and swam up to the surface. He gasped in the air and shook his hair. Misha's crystal blue eyes burned from the salt in his eyes. Jensen was still laughing.

He felt Jared tap his shoulder but he only nodded back in Jared's direction. He had made them happy that was what he wanted.

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