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Jensen Ackles

The alabaster colors transformed into charcoal. No matter where Jensen turned, he couldn't see a damn thing. His breath was quick in his ears. Each heartbeat was loud as a concert. Jensen noticed the others. By others, a few creepy people and Jared and Misha. Misha stood as usual up into Jared's personal space. But his expression struck a chord in him.

Jared gulped, his eyes flickered everywhere but at him. A chill went down his spine. Misha's determined look in great contrast. Jensen wanted nothing else to hug Jared and tell him everything would be okay. That he got his back.

But the creatures caught his attention when he saw Mel. Mel was different than before; her once pale skin glowed inwardly. Painted a dim light in wherever they were. Mel's crystal blue eyes black as the darkness that surrounded them. Her smile. Jensen took a step backward. She wasn't herself. She never had. Possession. No. No. No. No.

The two others wore capes that matched the small lights, in the covered darkness. Pale as her.

"Welcome," she said. Mel opened her arms, a wicked glint in her eyes. The creatures by her side stepped up. One revealed to be Crowley himself. Another someone Jensen never had seen before. Mel gestured at them. "You know Crowley, and this is Abaddon."

Abbadon's curly hair reached to her shoulders. The leather jacket a tight fit. A black shirt underneath. She also wore blue jeans. Abbadon grinned at them. "Never heard of me? What a shame," she said.

Jensen knew Abbadon from the bible. But the crushing reality that the devil existed in Dean's universe made him speechless. He felt paralyzed with fear on Dean's behalf. Dean had no idea Abbadon was there. She probably had hidden for thousands of years or were dead, he wasn't sure. Mel was able to do crazy stuff although this took the pie.

Jared cleared his throat, "no, we haven't."

Crowley stood close by Mel's side. He told her, "I must say, this is an excellent plan."

Misha suddenly grabbed Jensen's arm and he yelped out in surprise. Jared took a stance in front of them. "Tell him," Jared said.

"Tell me what, exactly?" Jensen attempted to get out of Misha's iron grip on him.

"We can get out of here. Jared already told me, the characters did their part. They are only missing one thing. A sacrifice but it wasn't specified."

Jensen blinked for a few seconds. The fear still ran through his veins. He took a deep breath through his nose. He stopped trying to remove himself from Misha. Sacrifice didn't sound good, though. It never did when the Winchesters were involved. The ground started shaking underneath his feet. Where the before was only blackness, the blinking stars appeared. Jensen bowed his head. Underneath his feet, the earth stood in all its glory.

Mel clapped her hands twice. He caught her attention. "It was fun playing with you as long it lasted," she smiled again. But the monster inside of her, Jensen reminded himself was still there.

"But now it's time for you to die," Mel tilted her head to the side.

Misha stepped forward. His eyes narrowed. Misha's hands turned into fists. "This isn't you, Mel. You are a girl with dreams. Dreams to help your little brother that never lived long enough to experience it. You can fight this. Don't let this win over you," Misha said. His voice filled to the brink with emotions. Jared took hold of Misha's arms. Stopped him from going further.

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