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Dean Winchester

He opened and closed his mouth a few times. Dean turned the question around his head twice. He moved his head to Cas. The angel showed no emotions whatsoever on his face. What the hell, man? Dean turned to the fan. "I guess he got his reasons. So far, Dean doesn't trust the dude."

Cas's blue eyes narrowed at him for a second, a cold fury behind his irises. He started to talk in a surprisingly authoritative voice. "He does it for people I can't disclose yet. Although, he wants to do the right choice. Whatever that is, Castiel doesn't know yet."

The questions and conversations between him and Cas continued for an hour. Luckily for them, the demons didn't react to anything. Dean ended the con with a smooth joke and they left the stage. Sam waited for them with crossed arms over his chest. Dean noticed his tense shoulder and stopped a few centimeters from them. Definitely, not good news was coming if you asked Dean. "Tomorrow I need Cas to send over more scripts to the actors. He has to leave right now."

Dean frowned. He glanced at Cas that wore the same expression on his face. Dean moved closer to his little brother so he was straight beside his ear so Cas shouldn't be able to hear. "Why? They just got them, dude," Dean's hands clenched. His jaw set tight.

Sam smiled towards Cas as if Dean's voice didn't scare him. Dean knew too well his brother feared more clowns than his threats he threw out for fun or like right now. "Since their lives depend on that information, Dean."

Dean flinched and withdrew away from Sam. He searched for a reason that Sam meant those words. Dean pulled Sam inside a bathroom a few meters away from the fans. Screams exploded the moment Dean locked the door. His eyes widened in surprise. Some people really shipped them. Crazy people. "We don't even know if the spell is going to continue to work. What if they see we got a connection and tries to kill us? Have you thought about that?"

Sam rolled his hazel eyes at him before he put his hand on the door. It cracked slightly under his weight. "It's better they know what's ahead than not. For all we know, they are in a life and death situation. They probably already know and when we attempt to get back, they are going to kill us." Sam crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't like this any more than you do. Neither do I fully trust the angel yet."

"I thought you were all in for angels," Dean raised his eyebrow. He heard talking happening outside in higher volume. He looked around in the small space. Mostly clean supplies, good for making bombs. Ropes. He grinned. A brush to the yellow walls. Sam's voice finally got through his thoughts.

"Dean," Sam hissed through grit teeth.

"Yeah?" Dean moved on his feet, his fingers curled and uncurled twice prior to him turning to his brother. Dean blinked as he realized with horror what Sam referred to. Holy crap. Cas was going to make a fool out of himself out there. Dean paled.

"Cas has to go, do we agree on this?" Sam said, his words clipped and hurried. He moved closer to him as Dean swallowed nervously. He stared into his little brother's eyes for some seconds as he nodded in agreement. "Good," Sam let out a breath. Sam retreated although, he opened the door in one swift movement. Flashes of cameras momentarily blinded him. Dean raised his hand to cover parts of his face.

The yells built up a headache that throbbed in his backhead. Dean saw Cas giving a stare of utter fear. Dean waved him over and they quickly found the way back to the green room where only staff and actors were allowed to be. Sam took his hand over his face. Cas stood by the door. Dean glanced in between them before he straightened his back. "Cas," he said.

Cas immediately turned to him. Huh. "Yes?" Cas said, his voice as cold as always. Dean rolled his eyes. Cas frowned in confusion.

"I need you to get back to Canada, you got to send over the last scripts from the writers to the actors. I and Sam will take care of the monsters. If something happens, call us." Dean effectively informed Cas. Sam nodded in agreement, he gave him a glass of water. Dean took it in one swallow. The drink cold to his warm temperature after running. He sighed refreshed. Dean threw the empty cup to a bin nearby. "Thanks."

"You must get it through to them," Sam wiped the sweat away from his forehead. "I am going to inform the people here you are leaving and I guess you can manage on your own."

Cas sighed. "But you need protection—"

Dean facepalmed. "We have been over this, Cas," he took a deep breath and tried not to raise his voice more than he needs to. But Cas beat him to it.

"No, you don't understand," Cas moved quicker than Dean expected and his back hit the wall. Pain exploded in his head. Dean blinked away the tears that threatened to spill out. Sam moved to get his gun but Dean gestured to him to stop. Sam's jaw clenched and he followed his command anyway. Dean's eyes found Cas's again. "I have to protect you from danger. It isn't only monsters that are after us."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

Cas moved his head in Sam's direction. "She has planned things for you. Unspeakable things, and right now. You have to be safe for whatever comes next."

A chill went down Dean's back. Dean pushed Cas away from himself. He rubbed his backhead. "Anyway, you got to go," Dean said. A flash of worry passed Cas's eyes. Before any of them could say a word more Cas left the room.

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