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Misha Collins

Misha glanced over at Jared and Jensen. Jensen's mouth opened up in surprise then hardened into anger. Misha closed his eyes. Mentally he unlocked the door to the grace that flowed through his veins. He was back where they had left the car. Misha checked around for a moment prior to touching the hood of the car. After back again. Misha took a deep breath through his nose. "Did you?" Jared didn't finish his sentence before Bobby's bullets blasted through his clothes. 

Jensen took hold of the gun, his teeth grit together. "Calm down, we can explain," he said. Jensen's green eyes narrowed. He only let go when Bobby relaxed his shoulders and took on the safety on his gun. Jared stared worriedly over at him.

In the meantime, he touched the holes in his trenchcoat. Cas's trenchcoat. I should be dead Misha realized. His hands began to shiver. His heart thundered in his ears. Misha's sigh blurred at the ages. Suddenly a warm hand brushed his shoulder. Jensen. "Buddy, you okay?" Misha attempted to talk but his words refused to leave his mouth. Jensen's arms surrounded him in a hug. Misha leaned on Jensen's shoulder. His head rested on Jensen's neck. Sweat spread on his forehead.

He heard vaguely footsteps closing into them. Misha gripped tight enough his knuckles turned white.  Hushed voices passed over his head.

"Idjits, you lied about your 'hunting friend'," Bobby said angrily. The sound of rustling barely kept his attention. "There is the yellow-eyed demon running around trying to kill you and you lie about this?" Bobby continued in the same manner.

Jensen tensed up and Misha closed his eyes. "He is—was a hunter," Jensen corrected himself. "Something happened, I wasn't there," Jensen lied. "Then he," he cleared his throat as Misha moved a step away. He avoided looking directly at Jensen. "Got a blast to his chest and become like this," Jensen gestured towards Misha.

Misha nodded slowly. Bobby frowned. Jared decided to step in. "He is learning to use his powers and I am sorry I didn't say anything. I had no idea he could zap himself like that," Jared shrugged.

Bobby raised his eyebrows and opened his hands. "So you got no idea what he is?" He pointed an accusing finger towards Misha. Misha rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his shoulder. Finally, managed to calm more down from almost-die-situation.

"I am an angel, you ass," Misha snapped.

Bobby's eyes glared daggers at him. He crossed his arms over his chest. Misha wouldn't trust angels if he was Bobby either. They were asses. Misha glanced over to the sleek black Impala that stood close by his side. He had made that happen. A proud grin spread on his face. Cas's powers were awesome for one thing. Misha mentally high-fived himself.

"Enough with the stuff," Jensen said and broke his train of thought. He rubbed his eyes prior to exchanging a stare with Jared. "According to an angel named Anna, we are dealing with a prince of hell. That's the yellow-eyed dude we have been looking for." Bobby nodded. "But every time they attempt to kick his ass, they get killed. In huge numbers."

A pause lasted for a heartbeat.

Jared explained to Bobby what they had been up to. Without the details. Just enough for the old man to get what happened. "Anyway, the demons are after us in huge numbers. We are not entirely sure why." Jared finished. Misha tensed up. A cold grip was around his heart. Wicked. Dead. Demonic. Jensen patted his back, noticing his discomfort.

Seconds later, demons appear in his vision. Both of the male vessels wore blue jeans, white t-shirt slightly bottomed. A flash made Misha see they wielded angel blades. Shit. Misha's eyes widened in fear. He stepped a step back. Misha's hand to the side blocking Jensen. Protection. That's what Castiel would want. A woman in a black suit and white shirt appeared later.

Misha moved his palm to the side so his own angel blade fell into his hand. "Move," he snapped at Jared. Bobby began to shot them but they smirked at them. Misha entered the mind place to get the mojo. Zap.

He stood in front of the demon. Misha's angel blade entered the man's stomach. His mouth opened in shock while a white blaze reflected into him. The body fell with a thud to the ground. Misha stared toward's the second demon's eyes. Such a void of pain. Zap. The demon blocked his first blow. Then the demon hit him almost in the face. Misha saw the movement before he did. A step to the side. He kicked the demon's feet. Another fall.

Misha took a long swing with the blade before it fell onto its prey. His left hand over the demon's chest when the last light left the demon's eyes. Dead. Misha did not hesitate to move to the female demon. Misha went for another stab. She gripped his arm with immense strength. Misha grit his teeth together. Agony yelled in his veins. As if being boiled alive. "Don't kill me," she started pleading.

"What are you?" He hissed in pain. Shots of surprise in his every word. She moved away from him, still, wary. Misha struggled to breathe again. She smiled but it did not reach her eyes. Millions of questions thundered through his mind.

"Ramiel is not alone," was the only thing she said before leaving him.

Misha looked back to his group of friends. Jensen shrugged a funny glint in his eyes. Jared frowned confused. Bobby began to check for ID on the now-dead demons left in his garden. Bobby started to talk. "Those were just kids," Bobby said upset. Misha nodded. Regret and guilt stabbed him.

"The problem was bigger than we thought," Jared said. He moved beside Bobby to check over the information of papers they had found on one of the bodies. His body language completely Sam Winchester with no shred of Jared Padalecki. Jensen holds his fingers under his cheek. His brows furrowed.

"She told you something didn't she?" Jensen asked him. Conflicted emotions in his face. His jaw tightened. His shoulders lose relaxed. He raised his eyebrows in question. However, Misha could see it was all a facade. He didn't plan to tell Jensen that Castiel could do. Jensen would freak if he did.

"Yes, she did," Misha said as he nodded. "'Ramiel is not alone', I am not entirely sure what's supposed to mean. It won't be anything good."

"When is ever?" Jared commented while he patted over the second dead demon body. Like he did this every day. "We got to consider our options. Going here was a mistake. They know where you live, Bobby," Jared gestured to Bobby. Bobby looked ready to snap.

"I might be an old geezer but I can shot a gun," Bobby close to snapped. They went quiet after that for a while. It had gotten increasingly difficult to lie to him. Misha knew Jared and Jensen wanted to inform Bobby they weren't Dean or Sam. But that could put them all at risk.

They finished fixing the mess. The demons gone, disposed of.

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