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Dean Winchester

After he killed the demon, he helped his brother to hide the dead bodies in a dumpster a few blocks down. Dean made Sam talk to the staff they got some issues coming up while Dean went out to steal a car. Surprisingly much newer impala models to chose from. He decided to that the one closest to the baby. He easily got into the car and waited for Sammy to arrive from the inside.

Sam opened the door to the car and sat in the shotgun seat. Dean smiled proudly at him before he started the engine. "That's it," Dean told the car. He maneuvered it out of the parking lot and began to head into the direction of Texas. It would be a long drive, not that Dean minded. Rather the road than an airplane.

Dean saw the modern radio installed into the car and wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Really?" He said to nobody. Sam shrugged. No way he would hear songs from that, the tapes were preferable any day. Hours later they got into a motel to stay for the night before they continued the drive.

Dean counted four days and they reached Texas. He put the car keys in his pocket, moved out of the car and Sam quickly caught up with him. Dean watched Sammy pay (again, the time before that, he paid for his bacon hamburger, and black coffee). Dean settled on finding the room, figure out how the wifi worked and went through the channels. A frown appeared on his face when Casa Erotica apparently didn't exist in this universe.

Sam entered, took up the computer, and started typing. Dean began to make funny noises in the back of his throat. Patience wasn't his strong point after all. "Dean," Sam said in a warning tone. Dean continued for a second more before he grinned from ear to ear.

He went out and slammed the door shut from their motel room, he had better stuff to do. Like playing pool and win some money for the trip back. Dean made them bet more than he did before he played every single one of them. It ended in a good old bar fight, which he won. Dean's mouth and knuckles were bruised. It ached however, Dean seemed to be happy as he was.

Sam greeted him when he arrived back at the motel with a grunt. "I called around and I found Cas. Apparently, being an actor has its perks." Sam turned the computer at him (Sam had stolen it on the way, he almost got caught but Dean had distracted the owner long enough to make Sam getaway). "Cas is in a building in the center of the city," Sam continued before he stated the address.

"I guessing they warded the place," Dean said. "And we don't have weapons in that sense. I could kick their asses and take a gun or two."

"Great," Sam said, his voice held heavy sarcasm. He closed the computer and took on a light jacket because outside it had gotten dark — and cold. Dean followed his example by putting on his leather jacket he had stolen from the set. He would never let anyone have it except himself.

A grounding reminder of his dad; he needed it more than ever. The building was lit up by yellow lights that surrounded it. Dean and Sam nodded to each other. Dean's footsteps quiet in the evening, his heartbeat excitedly. Before the guard realized what hit him, Dean's hand was around his throat. Slowly dragging the life out of him.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine—Dean let go and the unconscious man slumped to the pavement, Dean crunched to the ground and grabbed the handgun from the guy's pocket. Watch your back, Dean, he could remember his father telling him.

Sam copied his movements and they both walked in synch into the building. Dean held his handgun in a determined clench around the gun, ready to shot at any motion. Sam covered his left side while he went on the right.

A person arrived in his sights, Dean used the barrel of the gun to knock the woman out. In the dark, it was hard to see what she looked like. Sam began to lead the way into the prison cell. Dean used a few minutes to pry up the cell, Cas stared at him. Dean gulped nervously but refused to look away from the angel.

"Cas, I know is sudden, but Misha needs your grace in our world to help the actors out. We can figure out something else. Is much to ask, please," Sam used his puppy eyes at the angel, and Cas exchanged a glance with him.

Dean tapped his shoulder to assure the angel a bit. "It will be quick, I promise," Dean lied. Sam took forward the stuff from the spell they used in the hotel a few days prior. Dean had made sure he could get it easily through his pockets. Unlike witch magic, this required no dead rabbits.

"Is there no other options? I have to protect you for the future battles you are destined to fight," Castiel's eyes narrowed to a darker blue. His hands clenched and the air sparkled with unloaded power Dean didn't like to be reminded of. "But yes, I can do it since it protects the human lives."

Castiel held open his palm, a dizzying neon light-colored emerged from his mouth, Sam was almost done with the spell before he said the final words. The white circle appeared, strong winds surrounded them, the grace went through and Dean gripped hold of Castiel.

"Guys," Sam began.

Dean nodded, "I know." He heard the running footsteps, immediately reloaded his gun. "Sammy," his voice low even for Dean. "Check for windows or any exit, I will hold them off." Sam nodded and took off running in the direction they had come from. The bits from the spell still on the floor.

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