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There was a huge room, a few chairs by the walls. A few symbols covered the walls (mostly to keep monsters out of the space). Blood dripped down the surfaces where Castiel's eyes gaze lingered. Then when his steps reached the middle of the room, he heard the sound of a lighter getting lightened. His sky blue eyes narrowed. Before Castiel could move to take his next tactical choice, the fire hit something on the ground.

Immediately it blazed up in a circle around him. His features became hard. A man appeared from the shadows. He wore a black suit, matching shoes, and dark blue hair. The man's eyes were mud green. Laugh echoed in the warehouse. "You walked straight into the trap," the man said.

"Who are are you?" Castiel's voice thundered in the room. Anger flowed through his veins. He grits his teeth together. Castiel spotted quickly, he faced a demon. Surprised Castiel opened his mouth in shock. A lesser ranking than himself, Castiel kept slammed his mouth shut before he said anything.

"I am Seirin. You should've seen your face," Seirin grinned. He took up an angel blade and played with it. "You see, Mel, our boss planned this. She was smart enough to notice when the Winchester brothers tried to destroy her plans for you," Seirin spat the Winchesters brothers as it was some sort of curse. His hand turned into a fist.

"This can't hold me forever," Castiel stated.

"Long enough," Seirin took hold of one of the chairs. It scratched over the floor. "The boys wanted to use you, though. Not that I mind. You are worth less than the vessel you are wearing," Seirin shrugged and sat on the chair.

Castiel stared warily at the demon. He wondered what in the world the brothers were thinking. They must have something they hadn't told him. Castiel couldn't fathom what it was. "It's no point talking with you if you are going to throw mere insults, Seirin."

Seirin raised his eyebrow. "It's the cold hard truth, dude," before Castiel said he was 'no dude' Seirin stopped him in his tracks. "For you, I would suggest you follow whatever the big boss says. Big plans, big plans."

"What are you waiting for?" Castiel cut through Seirin's meaningless talk. His hands stood still by his side. He was trying to figure out what the messages in his head meant. He knew for sure, those couldn't be fakes. That would be everything in his nature could be questioned.

"For my friends, they should be here shortly. And if you think Misha will stay safe? Think again. You can't protect him. I won't tell you much more. I am simply liking to converse with an angel with no brains because I am bored," Seirin leaned back in the car, his shoulders relaxed.

"So you do come from our world. That must also mean, there is an exit out of here. But why are you being open about it? There is nothing you can gain from that," Castiel said.

Then a whoosh hit the building, Castiel lifted his head to stare at the ceiling. When his eyes were back on the human level again, he saw the group of demons Seirin had talked about arrived. One of them held chains with words to keep him put. Castiel was angered by this. He should have known better!

Seirin took the chains and gestured for Castiel to walk closer. "If you try anything, my friends over there wouldn't mind torturing you for killing their buddies. Ya know?" The click of the chains getting on his wrists surrounded him.

The demons transported him to another far away state Castiel could name if he bothered to find out. They threw him inside a cage. There a single-window out to the freedom. Bars closed off some of the light. A human would have noticed the cold, however, as an angel, he did not feel it. There was a gray bench in a color the whole place was painted in.

Seirin waved the other demons away. "I believe nobody told you what happened to Dean when you arrived here. Mel wanted me to tell you so you had something to think about while being stuck in this hole," Seirin gestured ta his prison and smiled again.

"And?" Castiel said. His voice filled with power and anger. The usual calm that usually accompanied him vanished. He had saved Dean Winchester, the man God had big plans for. Every angel everywhere knew that information to a different degree.

"You did save him, yes. But that was actually Jensen Ackles. Funny coincidence, right? But, oh," Seirin stopped up as he walked around outside his cell for a moment. "Dean has yet to remember what happened to him. And that wasn't a walk on a beach, for sure. His soul is still not...completely his own one could say."

Castiel moved to bars that divorced him from the demon. The demon's eyes widened, he walked unconsciously a step away from him. "Then I will do all in my power to take Dean and Sam to their righteous place. Which isn't here. They belong in their own universe. They have a mission to complete."

Seirin frowned at his answer. "Even if they plan to use your grace to the actor you want to protect?"

Castiel staggered a few steps backward. His vessel heart beat quicker than normal against his ribs. No, they couldn't be thinking...? Castiel looked up, a fire in his eyes no person, monster or not wanted to stare into flared clear neon blue. His hands clenched, his breath rapidly out of his lungs. "They won't do that," he said more to convince himself.

"They will, to get home," that was Seirin's departing words before he disappeared from him. The weight of them still stood strong to him.

Castiel stared up at the light. He needed to do something. Fast. The Winchesters were in danger and he had to do an action.

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