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Dean Winchester

He pressed down the padel to make baby rush down the open road. The motor hissed underneath his ass. A smell of gasoline in his nostrils and Dean's leather jacket too. His mother ring on his finger, he took down the song that played on the cassette. Sam raised his eyebrow at him.

"You know having the script to how our lives were going was awesome," Dean said.

"You mean the part where both of us dies? I like it better not knowing, Dean," Sam rolled his eyes. "And what happened to Mel anyway? The spell would make something die, never specified."

"Dude," Dean strained to mask his emotions. His jaw clenched. Dean tightened his grip on the wheel and speed up the car for a few seconds. A warning tone entered his voice as he lowered it an octave, "we are here. We have a job to do. Kick Lucifer's ass for one thing. I call for the first taker on the motherfucker."


"Listen," Dean opened his palm and avoided looking at his little brother. "I know it hurts like hell, I do. But we got to keep grinding, these people aren't going to save themselves."

Flutters of wings stopped their conversation and Dean almost collied baby into a tree branch with a huge c-swing. Quickly he maneuvered it back on the road. A string of curse words escaped underneath his breath. His heartbeat rapidly in his ribcage, his hand twitched to grab the gun in his pocket. Then his eyes focused on who was in the backseat. No other than Castiel, an angel of the lord itself.

His beige trench coat in stark contrast to the black car. Cas's blue tie was not made right, his eyes stared intensely at him through the glass he watched from. It was as if a cloud covered his eyes. Dean slowly and warily moved his eyes back on the road again. He fought to regain his breath again. "Fuck Cas, don't do that."

"My condolences, there has come to my attention, that we have an issue. My superiors want to rewind time so God's plan re-operates itself."

"And what do you think?" Sam asked.

"In the words of a good friend, 'go and shit themselves'," Cas answered.

"All right, bitches, what's the next case?" Dean said.

"A woman died in the shower. She got shot by her own gun, but the attacker's fingerprints don't match up. The town is Wisconsin. Happened two days ago. And, oh, no story in prior violence," Sam informed them both.

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