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Dean Winchester

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Dean Winchester

To believe Dean's day went great could be a big ass joke in Dean's option. He knew already angels not existed. Sammy's hand stopped him from wanting to rip Cas's head off right then and there. His green eyes narrowed in anger. "We have no reason to trust him, Sam," Dean said. Sam gave him an irritated stare back while he tilted his head. Dean groaned inside his head. This wasn't going to end well Dean thought.

He slowly stood down. His little brother nodded back at him, reading his mind like Sam always did. "Hear, me out, I stole a script. And we need Cas to act the part of Misha," Sam showed both of them the script for the next episode. Sam pointed his finger where Misha's and Cas's names were written in bold letters. Dean nudged Sam's shoulder to see closer. His eyes scanned throughout the pages.

"Son of a bitch," Dean swore underneath his breath. He took a deep breath to calm himself. His eyes closed for a short moment. "Do I have to act that scene tomorrow?" Dean was forced to ask through grits teeth. The cold reached his nose so Dean coughed. Cas haven't moved an inch since they started talking, his blue eyes far off somewhere else. Most likely doing angel stuff

"Yes, you do Dean. Good that you have a scene with me and Bobby or we would be pretty much—"

"Dammed," Dean cut off his brother. He gave another suspicious look towards the angel. The angel didn't seem to care, Dean shrugged in indifference. Sam and he exchanged a short glance towards each other. They decided to put Cas into the living room of their trailer. He sat on the sofa while Sam took the chair. Sam quietly gave him the script to read.

"You got to be kidding me, I got twenty-four hours to learn this? Man, it's crazy," Dean mumbled to himself. "Sammy is so many pages!" His eyes blazed in amazement. He flipped the script some more when Sam cleared his throat, Dean quickly moved his head. Dean turned his face until he saw the angel. Back from daydream land.

"I had a connection to our world, faint but it was there," Cas said. His feet moved closer to where they sat. "Someone named 'Misha' is in great danger to a person that has used a power I have never seen before," Cas continued with the same monotone voice.

"You mean the actor?" Sam concluded. He leaned back into his chair. A frown began to be apparent on his brother's face. Cas nodded. Dean saw the exact moment Sam puzzled the things together. His eyes brightened up in an almost green color.

"Yes, he is being very scared by what's going on. I don't believe he is aware of the consequences he is living in," Cas answered Sammy. "A girl was there as well. Young. Innocent."

"What kind of girl? The spooky kind? The hot? Suspicious?" Dean fired question after question to the angel. Sam stood up while he started to begin to move objects around the trailer. He walked out of the room at some point, leaving both him and the weird angel alone.

"She bears a great burden on her shoulders, not so unlike you, Dean," Cas said. "Her name is Mel Crowne. She witnessed her little brother take suicide because of the show Supernatural. There is a dark shadow lies over her," Cas informed him.

Guilt began to form in his chest. He blinked away the hurt in his eyes. Dean wished Sam could finish with whatever he was doing already."So, she is like, ten?" Dean asked.

"Twenty-four," Cas corrected him.

"What?" He raised his voice slightly. At that age, he hunted down everything in between ghosts to wendigos on his own. His father John would leave for the first days at the time before it stretched out to months. During that time, Dean hardened to not cry or whine while dealing with cases by himself. Hell, he joked for the short bursts of happiness he gained from others. What he never told anyone, was his nightmares where he dreamt Dean was the one that ended up killing everyone. It could consist of monsters too. Dean drank beer to forget about it or have one night stands.

"Dean?" Cas's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"I am fine," Dean lied. Just then Sam walked in again. He glanced at him and Cas. Sam must have expected him to kill off the angel by then.

"Misha is supposed to be in one episode but because of his disappearance we need Cas to take that role," Sam started. Dean made himself comfortable on the couch. "People also follow us on different social devices. We have fans that film when our actors act, so we have to be careful," Sam continued.

"Dude, I got no idea how those people talk and stuff! How can I know?" Dean said, a hint of panic in his voice.

"Search for past movies, tv-series, and advisements they have been on. Research their family as we do on cases, we can do this," Sam answered. "I don't know how long we are going to be stuck here but is nothing compared to what we have already done."

"Dean's sacrifice," Cas said. He titled his head to the side. "Your sinning," Cas turned towards Sam. Sam gulped. Dean glanced from the angel to his little brother. A million thoughts raced through his mind. Each more horrific than the next.

"Sammy, you didn't..." Dean didn't finish his sentence, he wanted to believe Sam had listened to his last wish. But sinning could be many things, like himself that drank alcohol. Sam avoided looking into his eyes. A hurtful feeling of betrayal hit him like a stone. Dean knew better than to try to dig, his brother wouldn't talk about it. He wouldn't ask until Dean knew he wanted to speak more. Now they had a bigger problem.

"Anyway, they start early, and we need to read over the scripts," Sam changed the topic. Cas frowned in confusion. "The hardest scene is where you, Bobby, and Cas met in the warehouse you and Cas should act it a few times so we are ready," Sam gestured to Cas to sit beside him.

He still gave a few distrustful glares aimed at the angel. Dean cleared his throat, he read through the script aloud. They used some time to discuss the details before they tried the actual acting part. Quickly Dean found out Cas had no idea how to be 'Misha', so he attempted to teach him how to be adorable and weird in a human context.

Sam was better to deliver his lines just as they were on the page, Dean unsuccessfully tried not to make a fool of himself. A disaster since his little brother found it hilarious. He learned stuff about his life he had never questioned before. It made this world all the more intriguing, however, the day after would test him. Sam repeated a line over and over to get it just right; he got all the complex sentences of the episode.

Cas mimicked Dean's sarcasm. It wasn't until late that night Sam and Dean slept. Cas's eyes watched him every time he moved.

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