Kid Flash (Wally West) x Reader

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Hey again Crashers! Hope you guys enjoy this one shot!

this chapter includes intimate kissing, juuust wanted to let ya know ;-)

N/N - nickname

Enjoy and stay crash!

Reader p.o.v

I looked over to Wally, my boyfriend of 7 months now. I got caught up in his amazing green eyes until he noticed and I awkwardly looked away. "Whatcha thinking babe?" He glanced at me biting my fingernails out of habit. Terrible habit, really.
"Uhh, nothing." I quickly replied, almost too quickly.
"Of course you weren't thinking about how gorgeous I look, right?"
"Wally!" I playfully slapped his arm before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Satisfied?"

"Hardly." He mused, before smashing his lips to mine. I refused to kiss back, teasing him. He whined against my lips and pulled away for air. "Awh, c'mon N/N, you're killing me here."

"How about we hold a little bet then?"
"What kind of bet?" He asked, interested.
"If you can get me to kiss back, I'm yours for the rest of tonight. If not, you're mine."
The redhead quickly agreed before rushing you into your room at Mount Justice, where you wouldn't be disturbed.

------------------P.O.V swap---------------

As soon as you two had got there, Wally shut the door and began to kiss you passionately, but again, you refused to kiss back. He removed his lips from yours and started to kiss down your neck, short, sloppy kisses. Until he kissed a certain area which made you moan, barely audible, yet the boy still caught it.

Carefully, he bit and licked at that area before pulling back to admire his masterpiece. 'Great' you thought 'it'll be a pain to hide that in the morning.'

Wally pushed you against your wall and went back to kissing your lips. He moaned a little against you and softly bit your bottom lip. This sent you overboard and you finally submitted to kissing him back- he was just too amazing a kisser to resist.

You pulled back for air and sighed in defeat "beat you~" he mused.
"Fine," you said, annoyed that you had lost "I'm yours for tonight." You stood in a silence, biting your lip.

---------------Wally P.O.V ----------------

And she's doing it again. I can't help it! Whenever she bites her bottom lip it just makes me not stop thinking about how much I want to kiss her again, to feel her soft, warm lips against mine... Oh God.

------------------Y/N P.O.V ---------------

I watched as Wally's cheeks turned a bright shade of red. "Hey, are you okay?" You asked
"Umm... HowaboutwesavethatbetforlaterIgottagosorrybye!" He blurted out then ran out of the room. 'Odd. But I guess that's Wally' I shrugged it off before getting changed and climbing into bed. Maybe I'll be joined by that doofus in the morning.

'He's a doofus. But he's my doofus.'


Heyyyyyy, hope y'all enjoyed it. Sorry it's so short but poor Wally and his thoughts.
Stay crash!


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