Robin (Jason Todd) X Reader | Halloween Special

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Hey Crashers! Here's a lil Jaybird Halloween special for you all! I feel like the world needs more of Robin!Jason.

Y/N - Your name

Enjoy and stay crash!

It's that time of year again, Halloween. Jason had never been fond of the annual event. The older he got, the less he cared for it. Unlike many others his age, he is out patrolling the streets of Gotham to keep everyone safe instead of partying. Something about
Halloween makes him uneasy as if he is just waiting for something bad to happen. Surprisingly nothing out of the norm is going on. Kids are all dressed up trick or treating while he sits up high perched on a rooftop.

Jason takes another quick look around and finds something that catches his attention; you. There's just something about you that intrigues Jason, perhaps it's the way you look. It's not every night that he gets to see a beautiful passerby such as yourself.

"Snap out of it, Jay." He shakes his head at himself for getting distracted and returns his attention to what is going on around you.

That's when he notices that you are being followed closely behind by a group of teenagers all dressed up. Ironically, one of them is dressed up as Robin. Jason had a pretty good idea of what they were up to, they were most likely planning to jump you when you take the next corner because no one will see it. Little do they know that they are being watched from above. If they try anything, Jason would be ready.

Just as he thought, the group of teens surrounded you and attempted to steal your purse. Jason shakes his head in disapproval before taking a run off the building and glides towards the wannabe Robin. When he lands he keeps his knees bent and pulls out his batarangs to let them know he is the real deal. You had a perplexed look on your face, not sure if this is the real Robin or just some guy trying to do a good deed. He looks pretty convincing but you still don't know, you've never actually seen Robin before.

"Okay, back off little bird." Jason gives him his warning. Some of the others in the group snigger but are quick to suit up when their ringleader gives them cold glares. "Nice costume. Though personally, I don't like the spandex but hey, each to their own I guess." He purposely tried to anger and embarrass him in front of his friends.

"This loser thinks he's the real Robin." He turns to his friends and they all laugh in sync. "I ain't scared of you, come on, I'll kick your ass!" The younger boy challenges, stretching his arms out wide.

Jason chuckles to himself before standing up straight, towering over the boy and his friends. "Sure you will. Come on then, 'Robin' kick my ass."

"Shit he is the real Robin!" One of the girls exclaim. "Run!" With that realisation, they all run away with their tails tucked behind their legs.

"Idiots," Jason says to himself in a rather amusing way. He then turns back around to help you onto your feet. It is then he notices how beautiful you are in person. "You alright?" A friendly smile spreads across his face.

"Yeah, I'm okay." You gingerly tuck a strand of her behind your ear. "Thank you."

"That's what I'm here for." Jason shrugs his shoulders as if it was nothing. Really it was because he has dealt with much bigger threats than some stupid teenagers.

"I gotta ask though... are you really Robin? I mean it is Halloween." You feel slightly embarrassed for even asking, it is rather obvious that he is.

"What do you think?" Jason smirks and you look down at your feet smiling.
By the time you looked up, he was gone. Further proving that he is in fact, the real Robin. You try to look around for him but he has hidden well but he can still see you. With a smile on your face your proceed towards your home. Who knows maybe one day you will meet him again, either in person or wearing the mask, you didn't mind which.


Ah, diddly darn, I couldn't get them all up in time. Where I am it's now 12:30. Whoops.

Stay crash,

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