Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) x Reader

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Hey Crashers! I'm literally only awake now to watch the Olympic opening ceremony. I'll bet I'm gonna fall asleep at some point in it. Any ways, enjoy the story!

Y/N - your name

Enjoy and stay crash!

You weren't special, you didn't have any superpowers, you weren't a trained gymnast, you didn't have a special suit, you were just you. At least that was the way you saw things.

Every time you hung around Jaime and his friends you felt that way; for a long time you'd been fine because Ty had been just like you–average–but now Ty also had mystical powers and you felt inferior being the only one who wasn't meta.

"Why are you still with me?" You asked Jaime as one day as the two of you laid on his bed just listening to music.

"Because you're amazing and I love you." Jaime said as he pulled your hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it.

"But I'm just me, Jaime, and there's nothing special about me. You have the chance to be with someone really amazing, all you'd have to do is leave me, I wouldn't blame you." You told him.

"Where is this coming from?" Jaime asked, concerned, slipping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him.

"It's not coming from anywhere Jaime, it's the truth." You said trying to scooch away from him.

"No it's not the truth. Y/N, you're amazing, you've just got this energy that I love being around, you're smart, talented, beautiful, you're loving and caring. You're special–"

"Stop it. Stop lying to me. Stop lying to yourself, Jaime. I'm not special. I'm just some average person that you bumped into on the first day of high school." You said. Somewhere in the middle of your argument you'd gotten up off of the bed and you were currently pacing back and forth in-front of him.

"Come here, corazón, stop pacing for a minute." He said as he caught hold of your wrist and pulled you towards him. "I love you okay? We've been together all of this time and never once has you not having abilities bothered me. I love you because of who you are, but if it really bothers you that much then I'll ask Robin and Nightwing to see if they can train you when they have spare time, okay?" He offered as he pulled you even closer to him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just–I feel useless sometimes." You said not meeting his eyes.

"Look at me, Y/N." Jaime said as he lifted your chin. "You're not useless, don't ever think you're anything but amazing. Eres mia amor." Jaime said placing a loving kiss on your lips.


Ayy there's some loving fluff for ya produced by yours truly :3.

Stay crash,

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