Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader

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Hey Crashers! I'm super happy today cause I ordered two new comics and they've just come and I'm reading them and they're just so awesome!!!!

Anyway, had this idea that hasn't stopped bugging me all day at school and I guess you could say it's slightly NSFW but I'll leave that up to you to decide.

Y/N - your name

Enjoy and stay crash!

It was a mutual agreement.

It was a space conscious agreement.

It was a mutual, space conscious, totally platonic agreement.

Okay there might have been a little lie in the agreement but all you could think about was how your best friend's arms were wrapped around you, his hands were resting on your underwear, and his boner was resting against your lower back.

Thoughts about turning over and completely ravaging him were not playing in your head right now. Not at all. That would be wrong and would ruin everything.

Not to mention he was on the team with you, which means things would get you oh so quickly awkward with the team of your closest friends.

You sighed as you remembered why you were even in this position. You two were undercover and staying at a quaint bed and breakfast under the disguise of a couple on your
honeymoon. Even when you were alone Wally had refused to not act like a couple although thankfully your conversations came off naturally as though there was at least some kind of spark.

Which there was but was seemingly one-sided.

Your frustrations were trying to get the better of you, now you could risk further enjoyment and your dastardly hormones and stay wrapped up in his sleepy state or you could go clear your head and keep your focus and friendship together.

It was clear what you had to do and you surprisingly struggled out of his grip. You knew he was strong but this was just extra proof he was a superhero you guessed. You slinked out of his arms but being the *amazing* sleeper he was he roused at your sudden movements, confirming that he was in fact awake.

"Sorry." you whispered to him as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. His hair was tousled, his eyes were bleary and the sheet hung to every right place of his body. Normally you would have taken this moment to comment "sploosh." with a small grin but assessing the situation the most appropriate thing you managed to do was squeak out "Good morning" and search for a towel to take a very long bath.

He grinned up at you, oblivious to the sight before you and replied "Hey. We've got a big day."

You couldn't handle it anymore and ran straight into the bathroom before whispering "That's not the only big thing you have." and covering your mouth immediately.

You always knew your commentary was a curse but never realised to what effect until now.

"Are you okay?" Wally called out "Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit." You turned on the shower but stayed by the door, you were a nosy person by nature.

Unfortunately it was complete silence after that. After what you figured was a decent time you wet your hair and wrapped a towel around your body and came out to get some clothes.

You saw him sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for you to come out. He was still dressed in a t shirt and boxers but a different pair than before. He was facing you but kept his gaze to the floor
"Can I just say sorry?" He interrupted as you opened your mouth.

"Wally, it's a natural thing, it happens, it's fine."

He looked up at you confused before blushing realising you were just in a towel and returned his gaze to the green carpet.

"I don't suppose I was sleep talking too was I?"

You pretended to think but decided not to tease him about something he was clearly embarrassed about.
"Nope, was I?" You asked as you sat down next to him.

"I uh... don't think so. So we're good?"

"Of course!" You smiled and he finally brought himself to look at you.
You watched his eyes scan your face, from your lips to your eyes, then down to your hair deceivingly dripping onto your towel.

"Y/N?" he asked quietly


"No it's stupid." He frowned and went to stand up.

You reached out and gently took his hand. "What's up Wallman?"

He looked down at you and subtly bit his lip.

"If you don't tell me, I'll bug you till you do." You smiled sweetly. He knew very well how persistent you were when you wanted to know something, it was a decent skill the team very much appreciated.

He sighed and decided this would be the only time you'd have alone after this morning and decided to bite the bullet.

"What would you say to someone that you had special feelings for but wanted to keep the original feelings intact and you didn't want to ruin or change those feelings or the nature of the relationship with that person?"

"So like... Friends with benefits?" You asked trying to wrap your head around his thought process.

"Yeah I guess that could be something that could work. How would you word it?"

"What would I say? If I were at least semi confident they had similar feelings I would just approach them and be like 'Hey do you want to have sex with me? If not cool, but if yes then can I take you right now?' kind of thing." You shrugged.

Wally thought for a few minutes. You didn't like interrupting his thought process considering how little he actually thought, but whatever he was thinking he could do that while you got dressed.

You stood up and moved towards your bag, readjusting the towel that was slowly slipping down. As you unzipped it you heard him ask quietly "Can I?"

"Can you take me right now?" You turned back to face him and asked him clarifying that's what he was asking.
A blush crept up on his face and he put his hands up.

"Only if you what to." He stammered and you grinned. Him nervous was such a turn on for you.

You bit your lip and grinned at him
"Well this is supposed to be our honeymoon and we wouldn't want them to suspect we're on an undercover mission or something." You walked over to him and grabbed his hand once again and pulled him over to you and caught his lips in a kiss.

"Oh Y/N." He moaned as you pulled him ontop of you, and onto the bed.


Whoop whoop. Most of my A/N's begin with something like that, anyway. There's the update I promised!

Now, I shall get back to reading my new comics...

Stay crash,

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