Red Hood (Jason Todd) X Reader | Halloween Special

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Hey Crashers! Here's the next Halloween one shot :)

Y/N - Your name

Enjoy and stay crash!

Jason slammed his hand on the breakfast bar of your shared apartment, making you jump at the sudden movement. He had a look of determination plastered on his face.

"Babe, remember last year at the Manor?" He asked.

"Yeah, the haunted house competition and all that. Why?"

"Because we're doing it again this year. And we are going to win."

"Wouldn't dream of anything else, Jaybird."


"Hey Little Wing!" Dick called out cheerfully as you stepped out of the car with your boyfriend. You laughed, Dick was always happy. You couldn't think of a time he had a frown on his face.

"Ready to loose the Halloween House competition tonight?" The blue eyed acrobat teased.

"That's where you're wrong, Grayson. Me and Jay are definitely gonna win this year."

"I'd like to see Todd try." The youngest Wayne scoffed. You hadn't noticed him come through the large doors of the Manor. But he was trained by the league of assassins, you'd never have spotted him.

"Be nice, Babybat." Dick chuckled.

"-TT-" he grumbled.


"You guys ready to swallow your words?" You smirked as the Dick, Tim, Damian and even Bruce got ready to enter yours and Jason's house.

"We'll see about that, L/N." Damian narrowed his eyes at you, crossing his arms with a huff.

You gestured to the entrance and the others stepped in, soon being engulfed by the darkness. You quickly ran around to the back and waited with Jason for them to come out.


"Ha! Nice one babe!" You exclaimed high-fiving your boyfriend as his brothers came out of the makeshift house with looks of complete fear frozen across their features. Even Damian looked scared, and he was trained by the league of assassins.

"What can I say, we make the best houses sweetheart." He pulled you towards him, kissing you. You kissed back, but pulled away when you noticed there wasn't the usual insults from the rest of the family about you and Jason having to do 'that' in front of them. You laughed upon realising they were too scared to speak.

Unsurprisingly, Damian was the first to regain his usual personality.

"What the hell was that?" He shouted.

You gave a knowing smirk at Jason, waiting for his explanation.

"That was our winning house for this year's competition." He grinned.


Hue hue. These are getting worse by the second. Ah, well. You'll just have to live with it and wait for Christmas for more 'romantic' chapters.

Stay crash,

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