Robin (Tim Drake) x Reader

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Hey Crashers! Sorry for not updating in a while, I've had complete writer's block! If any of you guys want to request anything just leave a comment or message me, and I'll try to get it done :3. I've tried a little different writing style in this chapter, hope y'all like it!

Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
E/C - eye colour
H/C - hair colour
E/C/D - eye colour described (e.g, 'forest' for green eyes, 'ocean' for blue e.t.c.)

Enjoy and stay crash!

Her feet padded softly against the wet sidewalk, water splashing up onto her black trench coat with every step as the rain showed no signs of letting up. She looked around at her surroundings and wondered how long it had been since she took a walk in Gotham city. Sighing quietly she made her way to her destination, the small park she loved.

The girl had forgotten to bring an umbrella of any kind, but her coat would do.

Once she reached the small park, she found an intricate wooden bench, on which she sat down. She looked around to admire the different greens of the trees. As she did so, a boy with raven hair came into view. He was holding a black umbrella and had piercing blue eyes.

"What're you doing out here in the rain?" He asked the H/C haired girl.

"Just admiring nature." Came the girl's simple reply.

The boy then sat down beside her and shifted his umbrella to cover the both of them.

"I'm Tim Drake, by the way."

"Y/N L/N."

The girl looked into the boy's eyes. E/C/D E/C met icicle blue. Right then, something between them clicked. And they learned about each other; Favourite colours, parent names, what school they went to.

Once they had finished, the girl stood up. "I should really get going, I'll be late home and mom will worry."

"Then let me walk you there." The boy replied.

Little did the two know, as they walked, two hearts beat as one.


Okay, I'm sorry for how short that was but that's my attempt at fluff (^ω^).

Stay crash,

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