Robin/Red Hood (Jason Todd) X Reader || Part Two

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Hey Crashers! This chapter was requested by.... @ifunerin ! Hope ya like it!

Y/N - your name.
N/N - nickname
E/C - Eye colour
S/H/N - superhero name
S/H/N/N - superhero nickname

Enjoy and stay crash!

You had walked home from the cemetery, although you felt something was following you. But you pushed away the feeling, it was only your imagination, right?

You made your way through your apartment to your room. Digging through your wardrobe, you found your S/H/N costume. Suddenly, you got that weird feeling again.

Trusting your instincts, you grabbed your pocket knife and crept around the house, only to reach the main room to find a man dressed in a biker jacket with a red helmet on.

"Took your time knowing I was here, Y/N. It's been a while."

You instantly recognised the voice. But... It wasn't real. He was dead! He couldn't possibly be lead on your sofa.

"Y-you're not real..." You spoke, unsurely. For all you knew it could just be Clayface. "You're dead."

"Oh, N/N, you really don't believe it, do you." He smugly remarked. He then reached his arm behind his head, pressing a small button. The helmet let out some steam and he pulled it off, revealing his blue eyes, rough lips, winning smile and soft, raven hair. Only... Something was different. He had a small streak of white at the front.

"You're not Jason," you murmured

He let out a small chuckle before responding. "S/H/N/N, still going, I see?"

"How did you-"

He motions to the mask sat in your lap.

"Oh." You finish.

"Really don't think it's me, do you? What would it take me to prove it?"

"Tell me something I've only ever told Jason."

"You feel like you're always wearing a mask. You did even before I died. I was watching you at the Cemetery. And if you're wondering, I got the white part from my little dip in Ra's Lazarus Pit."

You looked at him in disbelief. It was really him. He was back, and he was here, with you.

You practically jumped on him, wrapping your arms around him in a bone crushing hug. You pulled away a second and threw your lips against his, with the same vehemence as they used to have.

Pulling away so he could breathe, Jason looked up into your E/C eyes.

"I've missed you, N/N." He says, a smile playing on his lips.

"I've missed you too, Jaybird."

With that, you spent the rest of the evening entangled in each other's arms, just talking. Until you fell asleep against him, he kissed you sweetly, then rested his head on top of yours.


Ugh... So... Tired... I'm gonna do some more requests tomorrow if I get chance, so just hang on till then :)

Stay crash,

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