Nightwing (Dick Grayson) X Reader

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Hey Crashers! Sorry for not updating in six entire days! School's really killing me rn. I'm gonna get around to doing some requests some point tomorrow probably so watch out for that!

Also, I've put up my new book 'I'll Be Good' so go check it out if you want! It's a Jason Todd Fanfiction so you guys won't have to be bored to death over Jason Todd one shots now!

Y/N - your name

Enjoy and stay crash!

You were snuggled into the old red couch in your best friend Dick's apartment. You were really tired, and you would always tell the absolute truth to any question anyone asked you when you were tired like this. It also made you super cuddly.

Dick was shuffling around the apartment, trying to find the cookies Alfred sent. He could have sworn that he put them in the cupboard!

He heard a shuffling coming from the main room and, realising you were tired, he smirked evilly and strolled over to were you were trying to sleep on the couch.

"Where are Alfred's cookies, Y/N?" He asked, in a quirky tone.

"In the empty packet of macaroni," You mumbled.

"Thankyou~" he sang, venturing back into the kitchen to find them. Once he had, he returned to the main room and sat next to you. You instantly moved over and snuggles against him.

His ears were bright red noticing the position you were in, your nose hidden in the crook of his neck, your eyelids covering your eyes. You muttered something into his shoulder.

"Come again?" He asked. Pushing your head out of his neck.

"I love you~"

"You're lying." He sighed, pushing back into the couch. Truth is, he had a small crush on you. Okay, more like big crush. He never thought you'd like him back though.

"Mm not." You murmured, folding back into him, falling asleep.

"You'll regret that in the morning." Dick grumbled, before starting to enjoy the fact that you were cuddled against him, deciding to sleep instead of try to get out.

--------------timey skippy doo------------

You yawned as your eyes fluttered open. Your eyes widened when you realised you were sat right next to him. Next to Dick, who hadn't woken up yet, thank God. Oh, wait, take that back, he yawned. He opened his eyes, indicating he was awake.

"Uh, Y/N?" He froze.

You tried to speak, but could only get a few words out.

"Uh, I- Dick- sorry. Didn't... Tired. Me." You climbed off of him.

"Hey, I- uhh... Last night. You said you loved me. And I- God, this is awkward, I love you too. And uhh, you were always there for me after a breakup, and... I um- would you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" You exclaimed, leaning over to place a quick kiss on the corner of his lips.

"You missed."


He leaned back toward you and placed a loving kiss on your lips. You instantly kissed back. It was over too soon, and you pulled away for air.

"I love you, Dick."

"I love you too."


Wow, God it took me a while to write that even though it's super duper short and really really bad.

Stay crash,

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