Red Hood (Jason Todd) X Real life!Reader

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Thought I'd try something different(^ω^). Sorry for not updating in forever!

Y/N - Your name
L/N - last name
H/C - hair colour
H/T - home town

Enjoy and stay crash!

You were on your way home from school when you head a loud crash from nearby.

"What the fuck, Demon-Spawn?!" A voice shouted. You instantly recognised it. It was Red Hood, or Jason Todd. But he was a fictional character, he couldn't possibly be here.

'Why on earth is someone who sounds exactly like Jason and is shouting about Damian doing here?'  You thought, before travelling toward the sound to investigate.

"Umm, are you okay?" You asked the figure, who was wearing a brown biker jacket and a red helmet, exactly like Red Hood.

He span around and pointed a gun at you. You instantly held your arms up in surrender. "Hey hey hey, watch where you're pointing that thing. And, if you don't mind me asking, why are you in a random street in H/T cosplaying Red Hood?"

He lowered his gun and walked closer to you. "I am Red Hood." Came his simple reply.

"Wait, what?" You asked, in disbelief.

"I just in Gotham sparring with that Demon Spawn when he threw something at me and I end up here!"

"Okay, by 'Demon Spawn' do you mean Damian? As in, Damian Wayne?"

"How do you know that?!" He shouted, pinning you to a wall and holding his gun at your head.

You gave a small yelp, before regaining your composure, replying to his question.

"Okay, let me go and I'll explain."

He backed away from you and put the gun away.

"On my Earth, your world is fictional. And is portrayed in comics and films. I know all of your identities and origins. I also know Joker killed you and you were brought back to life by Ra's Al Ghul in the Lazarus pit. God, that was too formal." You explained, trying your best not to fangirl over the fact that Jason Todd, the Red Hood, was stood in front of you. Okay, so maybe you had a teensy little crush on him. Okay, more like a giant one. But you didn't want to come across all weird to him!

He narrowed his eyes through his helmet. "So, do you have any idea how I can get back to Gotham to beat that Demon Spawn to a bloody pulp?"

"Not entirely, but I can try to figure out what Damian threw at you so we can use something like it to get you back? But first, take off your helmet. You don't want to be drawing any attention to yourself."

Reluctantly, Jason complied and pressed a button at the back of it, before taking it off.

"Come on, I'll take you to my apartment so we can figure this whole thing out. Oh, I'm Y/N, by the way. Y/N L/N."

------------------timeskippie! *jumps over time hurdles*------------------------

"Jay?" You called out through the small apartment. You had figured out that Damian must've thrown some sort of universe-changing object at him, and wanted to ask him if he knew anything like that.

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