Red Hood (Jason Todd) X Reader

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Hey Crashers! Sorry this one's ANOTHER Jason Todd one but I have a thing for him rn soooo... Yea.

Enjoy and stay crash!

Jason was overwhelmed by the alluring scent that washed over his face the minute he walked in. He felt his stomach rumble the minute he heard the sound of something sizzling in the kitchen. A smile curling onto his lips as the red helmet landed onto the living room coffee table with a soft thud.

His footsteps were soft as he weaved his way around various pieces of furniture, making his way to you.

You looked like something pulled straight out of an old commercial.

You're all dolled up, a crisp apron pressed against you as your styled hair bounces around you. Your mit covered hands reaching into the oven and holding a delicious tray of food. You place it on the counter, pulling off the oven mits before shutting the oven door. You sigh, a wisp of air leaving your mouth before your arms fall onto the counter in front of you.

"It's harder then it looks huh?" Jason's breath tickles your ear as his arms slide around your waist. His large palms pressed against your hipbones. He feels you stiffen for a split second, before relaxing in his hold.

"I have no idea how you do it." You admit, if you had another half hour, everything would have been cleaned up by now. You would have taken another quick shower before setting up the kitchen table.

It would have been perfect.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you." The way you always do for me. But that you leave unsaid, and he gives you a quick squeeze, pressing a kiss to your temple.

"You always do." Because for him, your existence is the biggest thing you could ever do for him. Sharing your life with his, that's the best thing anyone could ever give him.

His hands creep below your clothes caressing the smooth expanse of your lower abdomen. A short moan creeps out from your mouth as Jason's lips start pressing against the side of your neck.

"The dinner you made is really tempting," His breath is warm as it brushes against you ear. "But I'd rather eat you instead."



Aaaanyway I'm just a lil burrito at the moment take me away from this world and take me to Jay pls.

Stay crash,

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