Impulse (Bart Allen) x Reader

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Hey Crashers! Sorry If this one's rubbish 'cause I'm up at 3am with nothing to do. Sooooo... Yeah. Let's say in this one shot you and Bart are both 20. Literally just realised that in pretty much all of my one shots they're all out of character (._.).

Y/N - your name
S/H/N - superhero name
E/C - eye colour
E/C/J - eye coloured Jewel (e.g; green eyes -emerald, blue eyes -sapphire e.t.c)
Y/W - your weapon

Enjoy and stay crash!

"S/H/N! Your left!" Shouted Impulse. You were on a covert mission to find out what the Joker's connection to the Light was. He had broken out of Arkham, again, and it was reported from a source that he had been in contact with the Light. However, yet again your 'covert' mission became more of a 'oh hey, I'm just right out in the open where everyone can see me' mission.

You quickly dodged a squirt of poison from the clown prince of crime's flower. He laughed maniacally before shouting "You can't stay alive forever!"
At that you ran behind the green haired man, unknowing he could tell you were there, to ready your Y/W to attack. Before you could, the Joker span around and squirted you with his poison flower. His insane laughing and Bart's shouts were the last thing you heard until you slipped away from consciousness.


"I'm sorry, sir. We may have to take her off of her life support."

"No!" Bart shouted. "Y-You can't! She c-can still recover!" He sniffed, squeezing your hand "She can s-stop feeling the mode..."

Your arms tingled as the doctors took off the wires connecting you to the different monitors and medicines. They then took off the uncomfortable mask you had on, which gave you oxygen. You didn't understand why it was there, you were breathing perfectly fine.

"L-leave the heart monitor on, please." Bart begged as a tear rolled down your cheek. But it wasn't yours.

The doctors silently nodded, then left the room.

"Y'know, Y/N. I had planned to take you out to that restaurant down the street today. That one you kept asking me to go to. Remember? Yeah. I was gonna propose to you there. I got the ring a while ago now, before we went on that stupid mission."

You heard a click. 'Must be the box opening' you thought.

Bart cleared his throat before continuing. "I got it from that crash jewellery place in Gotham. The jewel's a E/C/J. Just like your E/C eyes. The band's just gold, but it still means stuff. People say gold represents beauty. A-and you really are the most beautiful person in the world. And I'd be the luckiest man in the world if you were to marry me." He finished.

You heard the creak of the door as the doctors came back in, and started to remove the last wire, which displayed your heartbeat. "N-no!" Bart cried, squeezing your hand like he did when he was nervous.

You gasped as the wire was removed. And squeezed Bart's hand back. Your eyes snapped open, revealing your E/C orbs.

"Y-Y/N?" Bart questioned, looking at you. You realised that the tears on your face were Bart's.

"Yes." You said.

"Yes to what?" The speedster replied.

"I will marry you, Bartholomew Allen II." You giggled at how formal his full name sounded.

"That name is so not crash." He groaned.


Okee I try. I have too many one shots with hospitals (;_;)I actually have ANOTHER idea for a one shot which AGAIN includes a hospital, only thing left to do is choose a character...

Stay crash,

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