Impulse (Bart Allen) x Reader || Part One

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Hey Crashers! Just wanted to say that Impulse iS MINE ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!! *laughs awkwardly* aaaaaaanyway...

Y/N - your name
F/BO - favourite book
F/BA - favourite band

Hope you all enjoy and stay crash!

--------------Reader POV------------------

Yet again, Bart had to bail on another of our famous Friday night Disney movie marathons. And yes, by another I mean he has ditched me 4 times in the past 2 months. I wouldn't really mind it if he would tell me why he skips out. Sure he gives an excuse but I know he's lying.

How do I know he's lying? When Bart lies, he bites his lips and gets all fidgety. He looks like a cute little kid trying to tell their crush they like them.It drives me crazy. And I feel like shit because it feels like he doesn't trust me or that I'm a terrible friend.

I sighed and pushed myself up off my bean-bag chair where I was reading F/BO. I changed from my Flash pyjamas into blue jean shorts and a F/BA shirt. I remember getting the Flash pyjamas when Bart and I were out at Walmart at 1 am for one reason or another and he somehow convinced me to get matching pyjamas with him. Good times...

I opened my window that leads out to Central City. It's only 8:43 on a Friday night. The local ice cream place should still be open. I could totally go for a shake.

-----------------Bart's POV----------------

I felt really bad for have to ditch Y/N again. What was it? Like the 4th time in the past 2 months I've ditched her. I don't understand why I'm keeping my identity such a secret because that's not usually how I roll. I guess Jaime was right about how I'll feel the mode when I'm in love and will do anything to keep my loved one safe. I just didn't think I would fall for Y/N...

----------------Reader POV----------------

The metal creaked beneath my feet as I tried to discreetly scale down the side of the building. I wonder how long it's been since the land lord had installed a new set. Probably never, the cheap bastard.

I huffed, brushing a hand through my hair. A louder squeak echoed from below me. I looked over the railing, I was still 6 stories up.

"Okay Y/N, slow and steady," I thought this simple plan would work. But the metal from my feet gave way and I felt myself falling. I finally gripped something and clinged onto it for dear life. No thank-you, I didn't need to fall to my death today.

Above me, I saw my phone on the landing above me. It's no use up th- WAIT! Bruce installed the voice activation feature on my phone. I was saved!

"Hey Dave," I yelled at the device above me. I cringed at the name I had given it. But what else could it be called? Bob? Nah, it sounds like a Dave. 'Snap out of it, Y/N! Life at stake here!'

"What can I help you with Y/N?" The electronic male voice rang out.

"Call... Bart Allen..."


Did ya like it? Did ya like it? Ugh, sorry it literally didn't include the two of you together but I'm thinking of making a part two so... Don't kill meh!

Stay crash,

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