Impulse (Bart Allen) X Reader || Part Three

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And I'm back with the last part of Bart's little mini series thing ( ^ω^ ). Seeing as Dami got a book, I thought he deserved this.

ATTENTION IMPULSE FANGIRLS!!! Before you read this chapter, go grab whatever you need to make yourself happy, ice cream, tissues, Young Justice on Netflix, whatever.

Y/N - your name

Enjoy and stay crash!


She'll be okay. Right?' I mentally asked myself. 'She always crashes the mode.'


My eyes glazed over as I walked down the isle. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, though. I had to be strong. For Y/N. She would want me to be strong.

I reached the coffin and looked down on my beautiful girl, lying peacefully. Forever at rest.


I had rushed home and changed into civvies before running back and asking the lady if she was okay. She had told me to sit down and wait for news. So I did. I was sat there for hours, it felt like years. My heart was slowly being smashed into a thousand tiny pieces.

It was my fault. It was all my fault. If I hadn't bailed on our movie night then she would still be here, with me. She'd still be my girlfriend. And we wouldn't be in this mess.

A doctor walked out of a room, a sad expression on his face. He made his way over to me. God, no. Please don't tell me...

"I am sorry Mr Allen. There was nothing we could do. She's gone." He said, calmly.

I stood up in shock, tears dripping from my cheeks. "No..." I started, before using everything in my power not to speed off and reveal my identity to everyone in the room. I walked out and when I reached somewhere no one else was, I began running.

I had no sense of direction, and had no idea where I was. I couldn't care less where I was. I stopped in a large field.

That's where I cried. Sobbed. It was my fault she was dead. In a way, I was a murderer. I killed her.


I shook the memory out of my head as a tear fell from my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and began my speech.

"Y/N was a beautiful, kind girl. She was always there for me. She really was perfect. And she could crash all the modes. I- I hope she rests peacefully, knowing that we all loved her. We still do. And we'll never forget her." I ended, not wanting to be there any longer. I walked from the front and out of the door. Then I ran.

All the memories of me and her ran through my head. When we went to Walmart at a stupid hour and got matching pyjamas, our monthly Harry Potter marathons, our Friday movie nights, when I took her to Paris on a date, and so many more.

I stopped in the same field as I did that night, and fell onto the floor. I was an idiot. The worst boyfriend I could ever be. I should always be there crashing her mode but instead, because I wasn't there she's dead.

I wiped my puffy eyes and began on my way back home. I had decided what I was going to do.

It was fine that night, and we were both at peace.

Because that night, all it took was a bottle of pills for me to join you.


Whelp. Now you're both dead. At least you can be together in wherever the heck you go after death.

Told you you'd need that I've cream. Promise I'll come up with a happy one next. Or you can just request a plot and character!

Stay crash,

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