Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader

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Hey Crashers! Thought I'd do one with a little truth or dare 'cause I'm bored and I can (and I kinda want to troll Dick a little)

Y/N - your name

Enjoy and stay crash!

"B03: Kid Flash." Announced the computerised voice of the Zeta tube.

"Hey guys! What're you all doing?" He asked the rest of the team, who were slouched on the couch (With the exception of M'gann who was finishing up with her latest batch of brownies from episode 24 of 'Hello Megan!').

A series of mumbles of "nothing" and "no idea"s came from the group.

"Well then, how about we play truth or dare?" He cheerfully announced.

"Sure!" Y/N replied

"Why not? It would be an idea to bring our team closer together." Kaldur commented as he, Rob, Y/N, M'gann, Connor and Artemis sat in a circle. Wally sped off to grab a bottle before joining them.

He placed it on the floor and gave it a spin. The pointed end landed on Robin, and the flat end on Wally.

"Okay, Rob. Truth or dare?" Questioned the young speedster.

"Dare." Rob answered, without flinching.

"I dare you to... Drop the American accent for the next five rounds." Wally said, with a devilish smile.

Rob's eyes widened beneath his sunglasses.

"Wally! You can't do that!"

"Hey, you're the one who picked dare."

The team listened intently to the conversation. If he had 'adopted' an American accent then where was he really from?

"Fine, fine. I just won't speak then." Robin replied with a smirk.

The raven haired boy span the bottle once again and the pointed end landed on Kaldur and the flat end on M'gann

"Kaldur, truth or dare?" M'gann chimed.

"Truth." Kaldur replied.

"Hmm..." M'gann thought, not wanting to be too mean. "Is it true that you love Tula?"

"Yes." Kaldur replies simply, then he spins the bottle again. It lands on Wally and Dick again, but opposite from before.

"Cheat!" Wally called, before realising it meant Rob had to speak. The boy wonder sighed before beginning.

"Truth or dare, KF?" Robin said. His accent was still mostly American but slightly Romani.

"Your accent's awesome!" M'gann comforted him.

"Dare." Wally replied

"I dare you to... Kiss Y/N for at least ten seconds." Rob told him with the same smile that was on Wally's face a matter of minutes ago. Wally's eyes widened slightly. Dick knew he had a crush on Y/N, but seriously? Going so far as that?!

"Dude!" He calls, before sighing and turning to Y/N. Her cheeks are slightly red as she gazes at the speedster. Wally crawls over to her.

"Are you okay with this?" He asks quietly, so only she can hear him.

"S-sure." She replies, as Wally's lips connect with hers. She kisses back and Wally swipes his tongue over Y/N's bottom lip. She instantly complies and parts her lips slightly, granting him entrance. His small pink muscle goes in to explore her mouth as-

"Get a room, you two!" Shouts Rob. The two pull away and stare at him, Rob with a mischievous smile on his face.

Wally looks back at his crush.

"Y/N, would you wanna, maybe, be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Of course." She replies, pulling him in for another kiss.


Okee sorry Crashers this was super late buttttttt I've had no time to update in a while _;). So I've got a Beast boy and a Damian Wayne one shot I'm in the middle of writing. Any requests and I'll be happy to take them! Just give me a plot and a character ( ^ω^ )

Have any of you guys seen the Dark Knight trilogy? I'm just watching it now and it's pretty good (^ω^).

Stay crash,

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