Robin (Dick Grayson) X Reader || Part Two

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Hey Crashers! Hur Hurr I'm horrible I made you wait for like, ages. But, that's only because I'm working on all the Halloween specials to post on the 31st. Again, I have no valid reason other than the above and the fact that I've literally been dragged down by all the homework. Seriously, anyone else's teachers give them wayyyy too much?

Ha I've still got loads of requests to do that I can't bring myself to do, so I'm incredibly sorry if you've requested something that I haven't written yet.

So in this one let's just say Wally doesn't know Dick's identity, it helps with the storyline.

Y/N - Your Name
S/H/N - Superhero name
H/C - hair colour
F/H/D - favourite hot drink (Hot chocolate, herbal tea, coffee, etc.)
F/C - favourite chocolate (milk, cookies n cream, dark, orange, etc.)

Enjoy and stay crash!

"Team, mission briefing in five."

Batman's voice came over the speakers installed in the cave. You gave an annoyed sigh, before flopping back on your bed. This was going to be the greatest mission ever.


After a few moments in peaceful silence, you dragged your already fatigued body out of bed. Inwardly groaning, you pulled on your S/H/N costume and made your way to the mission room, receiving an unwelcoming glare from Artemis on the way.

Throughout the briefing, you were only half listening- instead growing anxious that the team were all glaring daggers at you, bar Robin.

Dick only gave you a nervous smile before tuning back into Batman's brief. You hoped and wished that Bruce would let Dick reveal his identity, but that was highly unlikely, so you just tried your best to listen Bats.

"-and so, we need you to go on a covert mission to infiltrate the society from the inside." The Dark Knight finished.

'Great, now I've no idea what we're doing.' You thought. Maybe it would've been a better idea to sit this one out; but you were here now, no backing out.

As the rest of the team made their way to M'gann's bio ship, you followed a few metres behind. You wished you could be with Dick, but then the team would be suspicious.

The mission went along too slow for your liking, Connor looked like he was about to punch you throughout, M'gann 'accidentally' left you out of the mind link (meaning you were uncoordinated on the attacks), and Wally was just giving you the cold shoulder. Dick had had to completely ignore you for the entire mission so he didn't hug you or kiss you out of habit.

By the time you got back to the cave, you were too tired to put up with the team's bickering, so you went straight to your room to sleep.

At some point a while later, you were awoken by another person climbing into your bed. You relaxed when you realised it was Dick, but frowned when you could feel him shaking.

You turned around to face him, and saw him try to bury his face in your hair.

"What's wrong, Dick?" You asked, concerned.

"Nightmare." He answered, his voice hoarse, as though he had been shouting.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Dick shook his head, gripping onto you as though you were his lifeline. You nodded in understanding.

"How about we go grab something to eat while the others are asleep?"

"S-sure." He stuttered, climbing out of the bed.

You both made your way to the empty kitchen, and you scouted the fridge for anything nice to eat. Smiling to yourself, you pulled out a bar of F/C chocolate and handed it to Dick.

"Eat this. It'll make you feel better." You quietly chuckled.

"I feel like Harry Potter." He laughed. You smiled, at least he was feeling a bit better already.

You sat on a bar stool next to him and engaged in mindless chatter. Before long, Miss M came wandering in, and gasped loudly upon seeing a certain Boy Wonder without his sunglasses happily talking to you.

"Y-You're Dick Grayson? Hello M'gann! How could I not tell!" She slapped her forehead, looking slightly annoyed "I'm so sorry, Y/N."

"You're taking this well." You breathed, relieved that the Martian wasn't in a bad mood. Dick was speechless, which was probably for the better. He spoke a lot when he was nervous.

"I was already suspecting something when I first saw it on the news. Rob- I mean, Dick wasn't angry at all. I couldn't feel any anger from him, only from the rest of the team." She explained, using various facial expressions.

"Oh." Dick finally spoke. Granted, it was only one word, but it still counted.

"You know, you'd probably want to tell the rest of the team. Then they won't be angry at Y/N and then we'll all be back to normal!" She squealed. Honestly, you had no idea why she was so happy. I guess knowing your friend isn't cheating on her boyfriend is always nice.

"I-it's not that easy. Bats is gonna kill me for this, he didn't want you all knowing my identity in the first place." Dick murmured.

You turned to face your worried boyfriend, "It's alright Dick, I'll tell him it was my fault."

"No! You can't do that, it wouldn't be fair. We'll just... Leave it to him to find it out. He is the world's greatest detective." He gave a weak smile.

You looked at him, concerned as to why he thought it would be a good idea to let Batman figure it out himself, before trusting him and going back to drinking your F/H/D.

After a while, M'gann left, leaving the two of you alone again. You decided to bring Dick back to your bedroom to see if he could get some sleep, and he agreed.

You stayed awake the rest of the night to make sure Dick got some sleep, and he slept peacefully. He held onto you with his arms wrapped around your lower back. You hoped everything would be sorted out soon, but for now, it was nice to just relax with your boyfriend.


Heh that was a super bad ending but I'd ran out of ideas so whoop you get that. Again,  I'm suuuuuper sorry I haven't updated, and your reason is the Halloween specials. I've still got seven left to write whoopsie.

Can I just say that this chapter hasn't been proof-read so if there's any errors don't be shy and point it out so I can fix it up, thanks!

M'kay, so I have this idea for a story and I really wanna write it but I don't wanna see it just die like my Jason one has right now. Which reminds me, I should totally get back to writing it. Yeah. I'm dumb.

The reason I wanna write it really bad is cause it's set in the apocalyptic future Bart's from, and I think it would be super cool to explore that time.

Anyway, I'm gonna get back to writing, so...

Stay crash,

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