Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader | Halloween Special

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Hey Crashers! Here's the Wall-man's chapter ;3.

I know, I know, none of these have really included the superhero persona yet, but I promise there's one coming along soon which includes heroes.

Y/N - your name

Enjoy and stay crash!

The civilised parties in Gotham were the complete opposite of the ones in Central City. You and Wally had both decided to go to Keystone's Halloween party in each other's superhero costumes. You and him never were in a relationship, but you were incredibly close friends. Really though, you'd nail the costume competition. Who else had original Kid Flash and S/H/N costumes? No one, that's who.

Wally had accepted the fact that you were a less-known hero than him, but he still got some "awesome costume" s, but not as many as you. Loads of people had asked to take pictures with you, including a (rather accurate) Batman.

The usually dull sports hall was decorated with spider's webs and pumpkins carved with different faces. There were cobwebs hanging from the ceiling that constantly fell in your face and candles that interestingly lit up the room.

Wally was just about to ask you if you wanted to grab anything to eat, when a S/H/N walked up to you and asked for a selfie. He inwardly groaned but waited for you to finish.

"-I think they should really get together if they aren't already." The S/H/N mused, making Wally interested in the conversation. Who were they talking about?

"Mmhmm, I think they'd be cute together too." You replied, face slightly red. Wally didn't know why, making him even more intrigued. Since he wasn't getting any answers from listening, he decided to join the conversation.

"Who are you talking about?" He asked, attempting nonchalance.

Your eyes widened and you mentally begged the other person not to answer him, but, since you weren't a mind-reader, that didn't work.

"Just Kid Flash and S/H/N, I think they should totally get together. I mean, have you seen them out on their missions?"

If possible, your face became even redder and you hoped for something, anything, to get you out of this awkward conversation that the S/H/N was completely oblivious to.

Wally hummed, excusing the two of you politely. You held your breath, waiting for his reaction. That was it, you'd completely ruined your friendship.

The speedster led you to an abandoned room that was slightly dusty, the only light coming from the moon that shone through a small window installed in the roof. There were various unused desks and chairs stacked around the edges, leaving you stood in the middle.

He turned to face you, with an unreadable expression. He looked over your smooth skin, and down your arms where he knew there were scars from past missions. The silence was slowly eating at you.

"Please say something." You begged. At this, Wally seemed to snap out of his daze and focuses back on you.

"I love you." He stated almost too confidently. His cheeks flushed a light shade of pink waiting for your reply, which came slightly delayed with shock.

"I... Love you too." You smiled, your original worry sliding away.

"I know." Wally smirked, leaning down to you, stealing a kiss. Unlike most of his actions, it was slow and sweet. Wally sucked at your bottom lip, biting it gently, then he pulled back, leaning his forehead on yours.

"Would you be my girlfriend, then, Y/N?" He asked, in a crappy impersonation of a British accent.

"I would love to." You replied with an equally bad accent.

"We should get going before people notice we're gone." You slipped your hand into his, and led him out of the moonlit room.


Whoooo le 'nother one done! Ugh school is literally my worst enemy. Literally.

Stay crash,

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