Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader

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Hey Crashers! I had to get two teeth taken out yesterday and I was really feeling the mode... But now I got inspiration to write again! Yay!

Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
N/N - nickname
F/C - favourite colour
S/C - skin colour

Enjoy and stay crash!
*Wally's P.O.V*

Today was the day. The day I was going to propose to Y/N. I mean, we'd been together for six years now, and today was our anniversary! What better day to pop the question?

Last night I had stayed at Dick's. He wanted this day to be amazing for me, so he helped to plan out what we were going to do.

I looked out of the window and saw a blue, cloudless sky. 'Perfect weather.' I thought. I hopped out of the warmth of the bed and quickly got dressed, before texting Y/N.

Hey babe, I'll be home in 50. 50 seconds! Be ready 😘 X

'She's use to getting ready quickly, she won't mind, right?' I worried, I wanted today to be perfect. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind as her reply came through.

Will be, Wallman 😘 X

I smiled widely and started running to our house. True to my text, it had been exactly... 46 seconds. I waited a few before knocking on the wooden door and waiting for her to open it, before attacking her with a hug.

"Wally!" She squirmed to get out of my grasp.

"I'll never let you go, Jack!" I said in a high pitched voice, holding her close. She giggled, trying to get out of my grip, which she failed at, before turning to face me and throwing her soft lips against my own. I happily kissed back and moved my hands down to her waist. Then, she pulled away and I frowned.

"Why'd you tease me?" I whined.

"Because otherwise I'd still be in that death grip of yours." She said, gesturing to my arms "Plus, we haven't even got in the house yet!"

I put my hands up in surrender and stepped through the doorway into the hallway. "So, what was so important that you came home at..." She glanced at her watch before continuing "6:30?"

'Great. I didn't look at the time.' I mentally cursed myself. But, remembering it was our six year anniversary, I frowned. "You forgot?" I questioned her.

Her face broke into a wide smile. "How could I forget, it's our six year anniversary!" She dragged me through to the kitchen. "And I got you your favourite food; everything." Her H/C locks swayed as she opened the fridge to reveal cake, chicken, ice cream, you name it, it was there.

"Babe, you're the best!" I exclaimed. Before kissing her temple and taking out some waffles to make for us.

-----le timeskip and it is now 2:00-----

"Shit!" I mumbled under my breath. But N/N caught it.

"What's wrong, Walls?" She questioned.

"Oh! Ah, uhh nothing?" I babbled.  Truth is, I had forgotten that we were gonna go for a walk in the park near our house and we would have a picnic for lunch. We were supposed to be there half an hour ago. Dick would've set the stuff out by now!

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