Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader

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Hey Crashers! Have any of you guys heard the song TRNDSTTR? It's actually a song I'm liking more and more everyday. You should totally check it out.

So, here's a little fluffy chapter with lemon implied/mentioned? I'd say it's slightly NSFW, but you guys can make that decision. Just lettin' y'all know.

I'm trying something new with the POV, so just... Hang on with me, mkay?

Y/N - your name
S/H/N - superhero name

Enjoy and stay crash!

I'd never stopped to notice how gentle S/H/N actually was with me. S/H/N and gentle are not two things I'm used to putting in the same universe unless there's a huge NOT somewhere in the middle. It was weird. Even though she was totally still Y/N, my best friend in existence, she was kind of different. I was seeing a less...threatening side to her. It was pretty cool. I held onto her hand and kissed it, offering her a small smile. I kind of liked the idea of having her as a girlfriend. It wasn't that senseless passion I tended to fall head first into and end up regretting it in, oh let's say... 0.0000000001 seconds later.

It was just easy. It's not like I lov-liked her any less than any of the other people I'd been with. If anything, I liked her more than I could ever like anyone in the solar system, but it just wasn't crazy or frantic. It was so lame to say it, but she was pretty much my everything. She didn't just seem like she was: she actually was.

I looked down at her and let my eyes wander across her face fully. Her skin was super soft, and I liked it. It made me want to touch her more. I traced the high cheek bone with my thumb and lowered it, along with my eyes, down to her full lips.

She closed her eyes and pulled the tip of my thumb between her lips, gently nipping at it.

"Wally, would you stop staring at me like that? It makes me feel weird," she mumbled out, blushing.

So doing all kind of weird kinky things in bed was ok, but me looking at her made her feel weird? She needs therapy ASAP. And I thought I was supposed to be the one with brain problems.

"No," I mumbled in response, continuing to trace my fingers across her face.

The blush on her face deepened, but she didn't really do or say anything else. She just let me touch her. My hand dipped down under her chin and I leaned over, tilting her lips up to meet mine. Her tongue swiped across my bottom lip and her hand wove around the hair at the nape of my neck. I felt goose bumps break out across my skin and shivered. This happened almost every time she touched my neck. It was way weird, but I was starting to figure out that I liked it.

I continued to barely graze my lips back and forth against her, letting them touch, but never completely. It felt like little sparks flew out every time they brushed. I'd kissed Y/N a billion times already, but this time it was... I don't even know how to describe it. We were kissing and it wasn't to have sex or to say good bye. It was just because we felt like it. She bit my lip gently and gave me a last kiss before letting go of my hair and opening her eyes to look at me.

"I'm not the only one that felt that, right?" She asked, pressing her nose to mine.

"Nope. I felt it too," I admitted, feeling kind of embarrassed.

"Mmm....Can we do it again?" She asked, pulling her lower lip between her teeth.

I pushed her head off my lap and slid down on the bed so that my body was molded against her. I pressed our noses together, as they had previously been, and rested my hand on her waist. She closed her eyes and we let our lips rest against each other briefly. The tingle was there again and I felt myself smile into the kiss. She did the same, and in a matter of seconds we broke out laughing.

"My God, we're so cheesy," she forced out between giggles.

"I know! You can make enough pizza to end world hunger with the amount of cheese in this situation!"

While she was still laughing I rolled my body further forward, pressing it the rest of the way against hers, and tightened my grip on her waist. She gasped, and I turned my head slightly to the side, moving in for another kiss. I dipped my tongue past her parted lips roughly, earning a moan and shiver from my beautiful girlfriend. She hitched her leg over my hip and I slid my hand along her body until it rested under the knee hooked around me. I lifted her leg even higher to my waist, leaving no space between our lower bodies, and rolled my hips forward into hers.

"Wally!" She hissed, gripping the front of my shirt. "Door!"

I chuckled and shook my head no. "Don't need it. We aren't going to do anything."

"Like hell we're not!" She grumbled, crawling off the bed and locking the door.

I loved it when she got mad.

She pounced on the bed and snaked her way back under my arm, placing her leg where it had been.

I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips to the side of her neck, enjoying the concentration of her scent that always lingered there. She pushed his hips forward and ground them into mine, his fingers running up my forearm. I brushed my nose along the front of her neck until my mouth found hers again, and this time she initiated tongue. I ran my hand under her shirt, letting it graze her stomach until I found what I was looking for. I traced circles around her already hardened nipple with my thumb and she sighed, becoming slightly limp against me. This spot was golden for getting her to surrender.

I felt her hand sliding lower on my side assumed she was going for the button to my pants, so I unattached our hips to give her hand room. She whined into the kiss, and her hand worked its way back over my hip from my front, and curved over my ass, giving it a light squeeze. Holy. Crap. It felt like someone drained every blood cell in my body and sent it straight between my legs. I gasped and moaned, grinding hard into her. She snorted and began massaging the flesh in her hand.

"Mmm. Y/N, that feels good," I murmured lazily, pulling back from our kiss while continuing to grind into her hips.

She smiled, looked up at me, and increased the firmness in her squeezes.

"Are we still not doing anything?" She teased.

"Like hell we're not!" I growled, repeating her previous response, rolling her onto her back.

"Good," she whispered as she bit her way up my jaw.


As payment for my unreasonable two-day disappearance, here's a chapter with over 1000 words. New record, probably.

Truthfully, I just spent two days writing that and more of other Halloween specials. So... Yeah.

Stay crash,

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