Robin (Dick Grayson) X Reader || Part One

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Hey Crashers! Wow, for once I haven't forced you to wait over a day for a new chapter. That's new.

Okie, so I redrew a Tim Drake I did a while ago and I'm so proud it's so much better now. Sorry, just wanted to share my lil mini victory.

Y/N - your name
E/C - eye colour

Enjoy and stay crash!

It was just a normal day at the cave. The team hadn't been called for a mission, so you all just lounged on the comfortable green sofa.

You and Robin had made your relationship official with the others a few months ago, and he trusted you with his secret identity of Dick Grayson. The rest of the team still didn't know who he was, though.

After much dispute, you'd all agreed to watch the news. A completely stupid decision, you were about to find out.

'In other news, Bruce Wayne's ward, Dick Grayson, has been caught with a new girl. Earlier when we approached Bruce Wayne on the matter, he gave no comment. Who is this mystery girl?'

The cheery news anchor questioned. Your E/C eyes instantly widened as a picture of you and Dick kissing under a tree came on the screen.

Of course, the rest of the team knew your real identity. Which is why putting the news on was a terrible idea.

Dick looked at you with an angry look on his face, which for a second you believed was real anger. Before you saw through his acting and became a little relieved.

"What. Was. That?" He yelled. Obviously, the others had been watching too and had turned to you with shocked looks.

"I- Robin, It's not what- I'm just gonna go to my room." You breathed. Standing up, you rushed toward your bedroom in the Mountain, you felt relieved that all the team didn't have their eyes glued to you anymore.

You instantly flopped down on the bed and groaned. Great, now the entire team thinks you've cheated on Robin. With flipping Bruce Wayne's ward!

After a few minutes, a knock came from the door. You opened it after hoping it was Robin. Thankfully, you were right. You stepped aside to allow him in before locking the door so the rest of the team wouldn't annoy you.

"I'm sorry." Dick said. He pulled off his sunglasses to reveal the breathtaking baby blues underneath.

"It's fine, I know Bruce would flip if you told the team your identity. Besides, the team only hates me now. No big." You replied.

"I'm really sorry."

"Dick, don't be. It had to happen at some point. I'll just have to stay away from you when we're around the team and you'll have to pretend to really hate me."

Dick deadpanned, before pulling you in for a short kiss. It was sweet and needy at the same time. You instantly kissed back, savouring the taste of his soft lips before he pulled back.

You gave him a sad look, before he carried on speaking.

"We can't go too far, the team's only out there." He gestured to the direction of the kitchen, where M'gann would be no doubt baking cookies in right now.

"But I love you~" You whined.

"And I love you too. But come on, the team'll get suspicious of I'm in here too long. I'll be in the kitchen, so you might wanna stay out of there If you want to stay whelmed." He smiled, placing his glasses back on before leaving the room. You watched him until he turned the corner, leaving your view.

"Team, mission briefing in five."

Batman's voice came over the speakers installed in the cave. You gave an annoyed sigh, before falling back into your bed. This was just going to be the greatest mission ever.


Ha. I'm horrible. There's a kind of cliffhanger for ya.

Stay crash,Goldfinch67

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Stay crash,

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