Robin (Damian Wayne) X Reader | Halloween Special

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Hey Crashers! I'm starting to run out of things to say in this opening paragraph, God, shows how many I've written.

I'm also sorry about re-using the 'Halloween Dance' plot, but I'm honestly running out of ideas.

Y/N - your name
H/S - hairstyle (curled, plaited, ponytailed etc.)

Enjoy and stay crash!

"Come on, Dami, it'll be fun!" You insisted. You wanted him to come with you to the Halloween dance at school, since Bruce had let him out of patrol that night.

"Beloved, I don't see why we need to go to that useless tradition. We could be just as happy staying at the Manor together." He argued. For a second, you considered the options. But then you decided you'd still much rather go to the dance.

Honestly, you weren't too bothered about going. But, Tim said he would lend you his Red Robin suit to wear for your costume, and you thought you would look so cool it it. You couldn't resist a chance to wear an actual superhero costume.

Plus, you wanted to see Damian's reaction to you wearing his brother's suit.

It would be Priceless.

"I'm not arguing," you started "we're going."

Damian narrowed his eyes at you in an attempted bat-glare, but you had long since grown immune to it (much to Bruce's annoyance and your amusement).

Soon enough, he gave up with a huff.

"Fine, we'll go. I'll pick you up at eight?"

"Nah, I'll come to the Manor," you smiled, "my costume's a surprise. Now hurry up and choose a costume, I'll see you at eight, Dami!" You waved, giving him a quick kiss then rushing out the door. You wanted Tim's costume to look awesome on you, and what better way to do so than by fixing your hair from a knotty mess to a H/S perfection?

Once you reached home, you quickly did your hair then put on the costume, securing a domino mask over your vibrant E/C eyes with spirit gum. And... Voila! You were done.

You walked down the long, twisting driveway of Wayne Manor. Sometimes you seriously wonder whether Bruce only had it this long to purposely annoy people visiting him. Really though, it turns a corner and you'd expect to find the house. But no, there's still at least a mile left to go.

"Good evening, Miss L/N. I expect you are here for Master Damian?" The British Butler's voice comes through the speaker at the main gates outside the Manor.

You hold down the silver button before responding, "Yes, Alfred. Is he ready?"

"Of course, Miss Y/N, he was waiting for your arrival."

At Alfred's reply, the oversized silver gates swung open, allowing you to step through. You watch the large entrance door to the Wayne Manor open without a creak as the elderly man stands in front of you, with a welcoming smile.

He invites you inside so you happily step in, admiring the paintings lining the walls. Out of nowhere, Alfred gains a silver tray littered with cookies and offers one to you. You decide to take one, they are Bat-Family famous.

Before long, Damian comes down the main staircase behind you, looking 'ravishing' (as Alfred put it) in Dick's old Robin suit. But without the domino mask, of course, people would think he's the actual Robin- which he is- and that would end in his identity being revealed.

Alfred politely excuses himself, leaving the two of you to be, and goes back to his jobs around the house.

Upon realising what you were wearing, he glared at you. Why would you wear Drake's suit if you could wear his? He did think you looked great in the costume, it hugged your skin in all the right places. Though he would never admit that.

"Beloved, what are you wearing?" He questions, trying his best not to sound annoyed- although he still fails miserably.

"Tim's suit." You cheerfully reply, striding up to him as though you have no idea how annoyed he really is.

"I would have allowed you to wear my own, you didn't have to wear Drake's flimsy one."

"Nope," you smiled, popping the 'p', "I'm fine with Tim's."

Damian grumbled before walking out the door and jumping in the car. You giggled at his reaction, you just couldn't wait to get to the dance.


Well, I'm sorry for leaving it there but because I've still got around ten of these to complete I've got no time to be writing more, I'm a human with a busy life. I've really only got today to finish them as I'm out all of tomorrow.

Stay crash,

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