Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) X Reader || Part Two

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Hey Crashers! So a few of you guys wanted a part two of the last one so here it is!

Y/N - Your name
H/C - Hair colour
H/L - Hair length
E/C - Eye colour
S/H/N - Superhero name

Enjoy and stay crash!

"Looks like Y/N has a crush on you, Jaime." Robin chuckles lightly.

"Si, and maybe I like her too, ese." I reply. 

I couldn't stop thinking of her, the way her H/L H/C sways in the wind, the way she always had a mischievous glint in her beautiful E/C eyes, the way her lips would always form a smile that could make anyone happy...

Jaime Reyes, as I said before, your heart rate increases around the S/H/N. Termination by plasma canon would be tactical. She is making you weak.

"Oh Por favour, Khaji Da!" I mutter, but I'm guessing Robin heard by the odd look he's giving me, although he doesn't say anything about it.

"So Jaime, how about a bet." He asks, in a mischievous tone- he's planning something, isn't he.

That is correct, Jaime Reyes, you should not trust the Robin. I advise termination.

"Can you just stop 'advising termination' for one day, Hermano?" I ask him, then turn back to Robin. "What kinda bet?"

"If I can get two birdarangs on the bullseye you have to ask Y/N out on a date." He answers.

I guess the bet's not so bad after all.

"Sure, I might as well go now considering you got three against her." I say, sarcastically.

Robin turns to the targets and throws two simultaneously. And oh hey! Look at that, he got two bullseyes.

We do not need to create another weakness, Jaime Reyes. Termination, now.

The scarab begins to extend my armour  down my arm as a plasma canon, but I hide it behind my back.

"No! We are not killing anyone!" I tell it in a hushed shout. While all this is happening, Robin is looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to go ask her. "Okay, I'm going." I say.

As I walk through the entry corridors of  Mt. Justice toward the kitchen, I hear a muffled sob coming from Y/N's bedroom, so I go in to investigate.

Once I open the door, I see Y/N, my beautiful Y/N, on her bed crying into her knees. She hasn't noticed I've come in so I make my way over beside her and sit down, putting an arm around her. She gasps quietly and looks up, then her puffy eyes widen before she scoots away from me and looks down.

"What's wrong, ese?" I ask her.


"Are you sure about that? You don't look fine to me."

"Yeah, it's just- it's stupid, really."

"Nothing is stupid if it's bothering you, hermosa."

She looks up at me again so I can see her face clearer. Her eyes are red and puffy, and her cheeks tear stained.

"I just... Feel so stupid having a crush on you 'cause there's no way you'd like me back a-and I know it's just stupid to cry over a boy but I-"

"Hermosa. Hermosa- it means beautiful. You're the most beautiful, kind hearted, sweet girl I've ever met and I'm stopping you right there because I wanted to tell you... Te amo.  Te quiero mucho. Y yo no quiero contar porque pensé que nunca me gustaría volver." (I love you. I love you so much. And I didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd never like me back)

"Jaime- I'm sorry for being so stupid."

"No, I'm sorry for not telling you how I feel."

She edged closer to me and I her, until our noses were almost touching. I was lost in her beautiful E/C eyes. They flickered to my lips for a millisecond, then back up at my eyes. I knew exactly what she was thinking, so I tilted my head to the side and closed the gap between us.

Our lips moulded together perfectly, like two jigsaw pieces. Her lips were soft and plump, and tasted of strawberries. All too soon it was over and we pulled away for oxygen.

"Y/N, would you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." She replied, pulling me in for another kiss.


Whelp. That was... Odd. I had no ideas what to write for a part two so I literally just wrote words and hoped for the best. Sorry if any of the Spanish is wrong 'cause I used Google Translate and. I. NEED. COFFEE.

stay crash,

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