Robin (Tim Drake) X Reader

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Hey Crashers!

I know, I know, the last one was Tim as well. Butttttt.... I had an idea that had to go with one of the Batboys 'cause of Joker and I wanted to write Robin and if I did Dick I wouldn't be able to use the other Batbros :-/ life's hard.

Y/N - your name
E/C - eye colour
H/C - hair colour
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin colour

Enjoy and stay crash!

"Y/N's been missing for three months, Jay. We need to get her back." Tim's voice rang out in the Batcave. His girlfriend, Y/N, had been kidnapped three months ago, and now they knew who took her, they were closer than ever to getting her back.

"Yeah, well now we know Joker's got her, we just need to go to all the places he would take someone and boom, we've got her." Came the older boy's reply. His blue eyes looked calm, hiding how frustrated he was. Even if he never really got along with Y/N, he didn't like seeing his brother like this. Though, of course he would never admit it.

"But what if he's in cahoots with some other villain?"

"Only you could use the word 'cahoots' in a sentence, Tim." Jason snorted.

"This is serious, Jay. Joker could be torturing her right now, and we're not there to save her!"

"Okay, okay, fine. I'm serious."

At this moment, the oldest of Bruce's sons, Dick, decided to make his way in.

"Come on, Timbo, you haven't slept for days. You can't possibly be helping Y/N if you're not looking after yourself. She'd be mad at you. Go on up to the manor and rest, I'll investigate for you."

"But Di-"

"No buts, Baby Bird. Go." He pushed Tim in the direction of the exit. Tim grumbled, but agreed.

Once he had left, Dick turned to Jason.

"I've got a lead on where she might be. Bruce got Riddler last night, and he said something about Joker keeping something in East Gotham, it could be Y/N."

"Why didn't you tell my replacement?" Jay asked, out of general interest.

"'Cause he'd never comply to taking a nap if he was any closer to finding her."

The boy with the white streak in his hair nodded in understanding, before going back to work on the case.

----------------timey skippy---------------

Before long, Tim came wandering back down to the cave. Yawning, he sat next to Dick on the Batcomputer.

"Found her yet?" He stretched his arms out.

"We've got an idea where she might be... A warehouse on the East Side." Dick replied, looking at his brother. He still had dark purple bags around his eyes, but looked a little more refreshed than he had done.

Without hesitation, Tim ran over to his motorbike, and jumped on.

"Hey, Baby Bird, forgetting something?"

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