Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) X Reader

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Hey Crashers! This one's a request for @Dani_Trienwood

"Could we body swap with Blue Beetle pleeeeease"

Well, I hope this is what you imagined :). I'm hoping to do a few more requests 'cause I've kinda abandoned them for a while.

Y/N - your name

Enjoy and stay crash!

You groaned and dragged your tired body out of bed. Sliding out of the covers, you felt... Taller? No, no, it must just be your imagination.

With your eyes still half-closed, you looked over to where your draw wa- should be? It wasn't there. And this wasn't your room.

'Your norepinephrine levels seem to be increasing, Jaime Reyes.' A strangely robotic voice with a Hispanic accent said.

"No. Way." You breathed, looking down at your body. How the hell were you in Jaime's body? How is there a voice in your head? You gasped and looked back up upon realising Jaime was only wearing boxer briefs- you... were only wearing Jaime's boxer briefs? You had no idea how to say it.

'Jaime Reyes, my full body scan concludes that the embarrassment center in the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex of your brain seems to be lit up.'

"What?" You furrowed your- Jaime's- brow in confusion.

'The embarrassment center in the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex is lit up.' The voice repeated, 'I should think that you know what this means by now, Jaime Reyes.'

"Wait a second... Are you the reason Jaime mutters to himself in the cave?" You questioned.

'A further scan indicates that your are not Jaime Reyes, activating plasma canon.'

"Whoa whoa WHOA!" You yelled, as Jaime's blue armour grew along his arm, "nope, no way, not happening. I'm Y/N, or S/H/N. Please don't kill m- Jamie!"

Immediately, the blue armour retracted. You sighed in relief, and fell back onto you- Jaime's bed. You felt a small lump on yo- Jaime's back and twisted y- Jaime's head around to look at it. This was the first time you had seen the Scarab up close. Sure, Jaime had been shirtless around the cave plenty of times when Bart stole his shirt but you had always looked away with a flushed face, Jaime was your crush.

Wait a second... Shit. If you were in Jaime's body would that mean Jaime's in your body? And if he is... Oh God.

'If you are the S/H/N and not Jaime Reyes then I believe we should attempt to find where your body is.'

"Why thank you for the advice, Scarab. If... That is you?"

'I am Khaji-Da, a hive-mind native to Space Sector 2. A scarab, as you may call me.'

"Okay," you mumbled, and gave a small yelp as the scarab's armour encased Jaime's body and wings spread out of his back. You lost all control of Jaime's body as the scarab flew you out of his window and to your own home not too far away in the next town over from El Paso.

Once you reached the familiar white picket fence planted into soft grass, Khaji-Da landed you in a small back lane. The armour retracted from Jaime's body and Khaji's voice rang in your head again.

'According to my data files, this is your house, S/H/N.'

"Thank you, Khaji-Da. I'll see if I can find Jaime." You whispered, knowing that he could still hear you.

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