Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader X Nightwing (Dick Grayson)

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Hey Crashers! Sorry I've not updated in a few days again, I've got no actual good excuse, I've just been endlessly watching Batman movies.

Whelp, ze song up dere iz ze inzpiration for dis chapter. I like it veddy mach and I hope yu du too.

This one takes place after Wally's death (*sob*) in Endgame (I think..?).

Y/N - your name
H/C - hair colour
E/C - eye colour

Enjoy and stay crash!

You and the rest of the team quickly ran off the ship, to watch the three speedsters hopefully shut down the magnetic field disrupter that had gone chrysalis.

"Look, it's working!" Nightwing pointed to the trio of coloured blurs wrapping around the bluish-coloured tornado. "They're shutting it down!"

As you watched the tornado worriedly, you noticed blue lightning bolts hitting the yellow and red blur. Your eyes widened as you realised they were hitting your boyfriend, Wally.

You heard a shout that sounded a lot like Wally, and rushed over to Nightwing.

"Dick, Wally's hurt! The energy from the chrysalis is getting to him!" You shouted over the wind. Nightwing looked over at you, eyes laced with fear.

You glanced back over to the tornado, to see the yellow blur rapidly fading. Suddenly, the tornado shrunk down and disappeared.

"They did it!" Miss Martian shouted happily.

As the smoke cleared, it revealed two of the speedsters breathing heavily. You rushed over, eyes rapidly searching for your bubbly, red haired boyfriend.

"It's over!" The green skinned Martian smiled.

"Congratulations." Kaldur supported the Flash, helping him up. He was still breathing hard, trying to recover from his run.

"Wait!" You shouted. "Where's Wally?"

At this moment, Barry approached you.

"Y/N..." The scarlet speedster started, "He wanted me to tell you..."

Your E/C eyes glazed over as you realised what had happened.

"No... Nonono,"

"He loved you." Flash placed his hands on your shoulders as you looked all across the icy terrain for any clues that this was all a joke. That Wally was still alive.

You fell to your knees and Miss Martian rushed over to comfort you. Tears fell uncontrollably down your cheeks as a sob tore through your lips. You buried your face in M'gann's arm and stopped trying to hold back your sobs.

The rest of the team looked down at you with sad looks. Wally had given his life for the world. He died a hero.

As you looked down at the gravestone, Dick held a protective arm around you. The day Wally died was five years ago today. It still hurt, but you had moved on.

Around a year after his death, Dick had confessed his love for you. You wanted to move on from the redhead, and said you would go on a date with him.

Turns out, you had an amazing time and had become his girlfriend. Dick knew you could never love him as much as you loved Wally, he understood.

The wind whipped your H/C hair across your face as you read and re-read the stone.

Wallace 'Wally' West
Friend, Ally and Lover
He will be missed by all

Pushing away the sad memories, you pressed a sweet kiss to Dick's cheek.

"Thanks... For always being there for me. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart. Now how about we go grab some lunch?"

"Sure, that new place down the street?"

"Yep!" He replied, popping the 'P'. You giggled as he pulled you down the sidewalk toward a sandwich bar.


Whelp, I was gonna write more at the lunch shop but I thought, eh, that'd just be boring. So I guess you could carry it on in your imagination..?

I'm thinking of doing a Halloween special for all the characters, is that something all you guys would read?

Another thing I'm thinking of doing is a Christmas special? I'm just bringing it up now 'cause y'all know how long it takes me to write :).

Stay crash,

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