Impulse (Bart Allen) x Reader || Part Two

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Hey Crashers! I'm trying to update more frequently now but I've had next to no inspiration so I decided to do a part two for you guys, you've waited patiently for a while now. ( ^ω^ ).

Y/N - your name
N/N - nickname

Enjoy and stay crash!

(lil backtrack for the first part if you can't be bothered to go back and read it)

"Okay Y/N, slow and steady," I thought this simple plan would work. But the metal from my feet gave way and I felt myself falling. I finally gripped something and clinged onto it for dear life. No thank-you, I didn't need to fall to my death today.

Above me, I saw my phone on the landing above me. It's no use up th- WAIT! Bruce installed the voice activation feature on my phone. I was saved!

"Hey Dave," I yelled at the device above me. I cringed slightly at the name I had given it. But what else could it be called? Bob? Nah, it sounds like a Dave. 'Snap out of it, Y/N! Life at stake here!'

"What can I help you with Y/N?" The electronic male voice rang out.

"Call... Bart Allen..."

-----okee now to the actual chapter-----

Bart picked up almost immediately, wanting to apologise yet again to you.

"Hey N/N, look, I'm sorry I had to bail on our movie ni-" he started, but you interrupted him.

"Shush, I know your sorry," you have a small groan, trying to get a better grip on the bar. "But, I'm kinda in trouble here."

"What? Babe, are you okay? Where are you? What's wrong?"

"I thought I'd go out to that ice cream place down the road..." You winced in pain, your hands were cramping from holding the rail "but when I tried to climb down the metal stuff they broke. And now I'm just hanging here. I know you might be busy but I had to try calling you."

"No, I'll-" his voice became quieter, someone must be talking to him. It was a relatively deep voice with a small accent in it, but only a bit. As though the person was from somewhere else but had lived in America for a while now.

"Impulse, we need to get moving."

"But Nightwing, I-"

"No excuses, you've been out of it for ages now. Never focused on the mission. Why?"

"It's Y/N, my girlfriend. We always have movie nights on Fridays and I've bailed on her at least four times in the past few months. And now she's in trouble, please, I need to save her."

"Fine. Take this mission off. But I want you back and focused by your next one."

"Thanks, Nightwing. You're so crash, now, I gotta go crash the mode for her!"

There was a sound of wind before he spoke directly to you again.

"Umm... Did you hear that?" The young speedster asked.

"Yep." You replied, popping the 'p'. You could barely feel your arms now, and looking down, letting go was not really an option. The metal creaked again.

"Uhh... Imp- Bart? C-cou-" you started before a loud scream broke out through your lips as the metal broke and you fell down to the ground.

"N/N? Y/N!"

You hit the concrete hard, and your vision turned to black.

----------------Bart's POV-----------------

I heard Y/N's voice scream through the phone.

"N/N? Y/N!" I shouted as I sped to where she lived. There was no reply. I ended the call.

"Nonono, how is this happening?"

Shortly, I reached the large apartment block and zipped to where she said she was when she called me. There was a small pile of metal on the floor, as well as Y/N's unconscious body. I ran over to her, and upon further inspection there was a reasonably large cut on the side of her head where blood was coming out of, staining her hair a deep crimson.

I picked her up, bridal style, and started to run toward the hospital nearby. A few tears dropped from my cheeks. 'Why did I have to be the hero?' I thought to myself 'everyone around me just ends up hurt. I'm always feeling the mode.'

Once I arrived at the hospital, I remembered I was still in my Impulse costume. So I had to make up the story that I found her on the floor like this, leaving out any details of her being my girlfriend.

The kind lady took her from me and told me to wait in the main room for any news. I nodded and headed over to there.

'She'll be okay. Right?' I mentally asked myself. 'She always crashes the mode.'


DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!! What's gonna happen to Y/N?!? I'm just gonna go start on the next chapter now... Hopefully you guys won't have to wait too long for part three! Keep pestering me sand you'll probably get it sooner!

Stay crash,

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