Robin (Jason Todd) X Reader || Part One

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Hey Crashers! How's you guys days going (did that sentence even make sense?)? Aaanyway this chapter was inspired by the song above ^^ aaand it's called What Should I Do by Jaymes Young and it's literally one of my favourite songs at this time!!

Y/N - Your name
L/N - Last name
H/C - hair colour
E/C - Eye colour

Enjoy and stay crash!

Summer had gone away, leaving a small layer of frost on everything it could reach. Today was the anniversary of Jason's death. It had been a three years now, and the days still weren't getting any better for you.

You remembered when Bruce told you, how you didn't believe him, how you screamed and cried for days, kept to yourself- even now you barely ever cracked a smile.

There were numerous times Bruce had to refrain you from subjecting the Joker to every different pain or torture device he had ever used on others, and then, ending his life. Slowly and painfully.

Before Jason's death, you had been the vigilante S/H/N, helping out the dynamic duo from time to time. You and Jason had been best friends, but he had admitted to having a crush on you, and like every horribly clichéd movie you had a crush on him too. From then on you had been going out with Jason.

After the Joker took him away from you, S/H/N became more of an anti-hero. She still helped Batman but also wasn't afraid to kill and sometimes stole. It was a fresh start for her. She didn't want to be living under the shadow of the Robin who sacrificed his life for the job.

Yet here you were, leaning against Jason's headstone, in the rain, in Gotham Cemetery.

"Hey Jaybird," you smiled slightly at the nickname, Jason never liked it, but also didn't hate it.

"S/H/N's doing well. She helped Batman take down Poison Ivy the other day." Slowly, your E/C eyes glazed over as tears began to fall down your cheeks. At that moment, your emotional shield fell down. "I feel like I can't be me anymore, without you... I'm a mess, Jay." You dropped your head and H/C hair fell into your face. "Like I'm wearing a mask all the time, not just as S/H/N. People keep telling me it's all gonna be okay... But it's not! It's been three years now, and not a day goes by where I don't miss your beautiful face, your amazing personality, or how you could always get me to smile." You involuntarily sniffed, and looked up to read the headstone.

Jason Todd
16 August 1969 - April 27 1985
Son, Friend, and Lover.
He will be missed.

"I... I miss you, Jason, I miss you every day." You ended.

Little did you know a man was in the shadows, watching you, that man went by Red Hood.

"I miss you too, N/N." He murmured.


Yup. There y'all have it. You probably don't want to hear my rant but I went to get two more teeth taken out today (for orthodontics) and the stuff that numbs your mouth is supposed to wear off after 1-2 hours but I'm here like 4 and a half hours later and I still can't feel it! I'm just like... Whut?

Rant over, sorry 'bout that.

Stay crash,

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