Impulse (Bart Allen) X Reader

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Hey Crashers! Wow, (technically) two updates in one day? That's new.

So, this oneshot is meant to show all of them aren't all sunshine n daisies

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So, this oneshot is meant to show all of them aren't all sunshine n daisies. And I ended up picking on Impulse again. Poor Bart. He got the wrong end of the stick.

Enjoy and stay crash!

You groaned as you pulled yourself over the rooftop. Your entire body was aching, and every nerve was screaming at you to just give up.

Your costume was ripped and your body was bruised, blood seeping out of large open wounds. You had bitten off more than you could chew in that last battle.

You screamed as a small ledge caught on a wound and ripped it larger. The pain was unbearable, but if you could just get back to your safe house... Bart would surely be there waiting for you.

You would have called him through your comm, but it was crushed in the fight.

Using the last inch of your energy, you pushed yourself back down on the flat roof. You'd given up. There was no way you could get back home now.

Breathing heavily, you looked up at the stars of Central City. Unlike Gotham, the air wasn't disgustingly polluted, meaning the sky was often clear.

You reminisced about the nights you spent with Bart identifying constellations. He would always get frustrated because he found it hard mentally connecting them, but you always cheered him up by getting him a giant pack of Chicken Whizzes.

A tear slipped down your cheek when you thought of the fact that you'd never see Bart's cheesy grin ever again. Hell, you'd do anything to spend another minute with him. You silently thanked whatever higher power that you got to spend your life with someone as amazing as Bart.

Your last moments on this Earth were spent remembering all the dates Bart had take you on, and waking up cuddled next to him.

As your last breath escaped your lips, you smiled. Knowing the pain would soon be gone.

Then you lay there, the spark in your eyes was gone. You hadn't lived to tell the tale this time.


Another short one, I was gonna write a bit more with Bart finding you dead, but that would just end in me being super sappy and making bad choices, so I'll just... Leave it to your imagination.

Who should I write next? Give me your ideas in the comments ;) !

Stay crash,

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