Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader

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Y/N - your name
S/H/N - superhero name

Enjoy, and stay crash!

You sped up a little, hoping to get home before your abusive father came back from the pub. A gasp escaped from your lips as your arm banged your side, which was bruised badly from last night's beating. You had gone out for some fresh air down at the park, but time had escaped you and it was already 11.

You shivered as goosebumps spread across your arms. You regretted not bringing a jacket. You froze as you could hear footsteps getting louder. They weren't yours. Gotham really wasn't the best city to be walking around alone in at night.

Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed your arm and an old piece of cloth was tied around your mouth. You internally groaned in pain as the man's rough arm scraped past your bruised cheek. Black spots began to crowd your vision, then, there was nothing.

You woke with a start and looked around. You were in a workhouse. In front of you was a bomb with the Joker's face plastered above the time. Upon further inspection, the time didn't seem to be getting any lower. You relaxed a little, knowing there was still hope. 'Who am I kidding, no-one cares about me. No-one's gonna come for me.' You thought.

A menacing laugh knocked you away from your thoughts. "Awake now, I see." Came the voice you knew all too well. It was the green haired, pale faced man that killed your mother and led to you having to live with your freak of a father. All you wanted in that moment was to be free of the ropes around your torso and knock that man senseless. 'Nope, he's already lost his mind.' Your brain interrupted.

"Well, I hope it won't take too long for Bats and his little Boy Blunder to make an appearance. I can see you're just dying to meet them." the Joker grinned "whoops!" He shouted as his finger came in contact with a small green button, setting off the timer, signalling you had five minutes for someone to come save you or boom. You were blown to pieces.

3:47 was the number the timer showed when you heard a small tapping of feet nearby. It couldn't have been the Joker, there were two people. Your heart skipped a beat as your brain let you remember common sense. It could only be Batman and Robin, the boy wonder. Who you may have a teensy crush on.

The Joker leaned over a railing, he hadn't noticed the dynamic duo had got in "wow, those two are really taking your time! Get it? Your?!" He howled with laughter. A loud thump could be heard as the Dark Knight threw a punch to the Clown Prince of crime's chest. Robin had jumped down from the roof of the warehouse and ran over to you.

"A-are you okay?" He asked as he untied you.
"Uhh, I- I guess so." You replied, trying to ignore the seething pain all over your body. You stood up and your knees instantly buckled as you fell back down. You tensed, waiting for the impact, but it never came. Robin had caught you. There was a faint glint of recognition in his eye that disappeared as fast as it came.
"You don't seem okay to me, Y/N." He said.
"How do you know my name?" You looked at him, confused
Robin's face turned red as he realised what he said. "Uhm, I uhh... I know pretty much everyone in Gotham, a-and you just so happen to be someone I know the name of!" He blurted out.
"Oh, right."

After Robin had quickly defused the bomb, his mentor told him to get you out of here. With that, the boy wonder rushed you outside and put you down just away from the large building. You stood up weakly and leant on a wall for balance. "Do you... Want me to take you home?" The young vigilante asked, concerned for your health.

You thought to what your father would do when you got back and whimpered, barley audible, but somehow the boy heard. A street lamp flickered on in the distance, bright enough so as the black haired boy could see your face. He cupped it gently in his hands as he noticed the bruises on the entire left hand side of your face.

"What happened to you?" Robin worriedly asked.
"N-nothing." You quietly replied, not wanting him to know about your father.
"Don't believe you." He said "I'm not blind, I can see the bruises, Y/N. Just- tell me who gave them you so I can b-" he stopped himself from going too far. "You don't deserve someone to be doing that to you."
"M- My dad." You squeaked out. "H-he's always drunk and always beats me when I get home from school, in the mornings, before I go to bed... They'll last from ten minutes to three hours depending on how drunk he is."

Robin wrapped his arms around you, being careful to avoid bruises. "Y-N... I- I never knew. I promise that monster will be in jail by tomorrow and you'll never have to see him again." You buried your head in his shoulder as tears fell down your cheeks. 

Magical time skip

Later that night, your father had been arrested by the police after you told Batman about it. He had said that you could stay at mount justice if you joined the team. You protested against it, considering you had no superpowers.  He pointed out that Robin never had any, but was still in the team. You then agreed.

A knock. Someone was at your door "come in?"
Robin walked into your room. Looking slightly nervous. Ever since you first moved into the mountain, Robin had kinda become your best friend. You had adopted the superhero name 'S/H/N'. Life was getting better.

"Why do you look so nervous, Rob?" He awkwardly walked over to where you were.
"Because of what I'm about to do." He quietly said. (Oh shut up you dirty minded people) he was wearing his usual dark glasses, but reached to take them off. He stuck them into his pocket and looked straight at you.

"D-Dick?" You were confused. The identity of Robin, the boy wonder, the young vigilante, was Dick Grayson- your closest friend at Gotham Academy.
"Yeah, that's me" he blushed a little, knowing the bat-eared hero would kill him for his action. Before he could say another word you pulled him into a tight hug. He fell back a few steps from the impact. 

"Y/N, I wanted you to know that... I like you. B-but not in a friend way! More than that... I-I wanted to ask you if you'd maybe be my girlfriend?"

You pulled away from the hug and kissed him on the cheek. "Of course I will." You answered.


Boom. There ya go, my first ever X reader, hope you guys like it! There'll be more one shots coming up soon. Please don't kill me if this was really bad, I wrote it at one in the morning O////O

Stay crash!

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