Chapter 4

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The two of you sit by the stream, dangling your feet over the edge beside the water.
"So then I got kicked off the bus!" You exclaim. You were telling Phil about the time that you and one of you ex friends were shouting thing at each other from opposite ends of the back, when you cried out "I HAVE THE BIGGEST THROBBING BONER IN HISTORY!" A bit too loud.
You were kicked off the bus for disrupting everyone on the bus.

"Wow! Your life is almost as embarrassing as mine!" Phil chuckles.

"Hey!" You punch him playfully in the arm. "Almost? I bet it's more. You haven't told me any embarrassing moments yet!"

"That's because it would take me quite a while to tell you the story of my life!" He punches your arm back.

"So. What school are you moving to?" You asks Phil, changing the subject.

"I'm going to Grayshire." He sighs. Grayshire academy is one of the tough schools. One of the dodgy schools. You didn't go to Grayshire. You went to a safer school, LAD Academy. No, it didn't meant lad academy. The LAD stands for Lawrence And Davison.

"Good luck." You giggle.

"I know. I'm terrified." He looks down.
You do have people that you occasionally talk to that go to Grayshire. But, you doubt they would want to be friends with Phil. The only reason you know them is because you used to go to primary school with them and you have one mutual friend.

You put a hand on Phil's shoulder.
"Hey. You'll be okay. I'll always be here to talk to you."
Phil's bright blue eyes glance back up at you.
He half smiles.
Snow begins to fall on your heads.

"Wow. Mother Nature's coming again!" You laugh
Phil's half smile turns into a full smile and he coveres his mouth laughing.

 Mother Nature's coming again!" You laughPhil's half smile turns into a full smile and he coveres his mouth laughing

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You haven't known him for more than five hours now and you already feel so comfortable with him.
Something about him just makes you relax.

You notice how much snow has fallen on Phil.

"Wow! Snowflake's back!" You exclaim.

"Oh no!" Phil laughs.
Just as he does so, he notices the time on his watch.

"Oh my gosh it's ten o'clock!" He jumps up onto his feet.

"Really?" You ask as surprised as he is. It's been two and a half hours? It only feels like two and a half minutes!

"I've got to go now. Text me tomorrow, yeah?" Phil speed walks out of the area.

"Will do." You mutter to yourself as you get yourself up.

Woah. Coolio. I added a gif! I figured it out myself. Wow I'm an idiot. Also I didn't know what to put at the top, so I just put one of Phil's videos, cause why not? Yeah. There are probably like one person actually reading this story. Uh. See you in the next chapter!

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