Chapter 50

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You reach the gate where Phil is half way through the line.

"Phil!" You shout.

He looks over at you confused. Louise, Zoe and Pj wave him over.

"Uh hi.." He says. "What're you guys doing here?"

"Y/N needs to tell you something." Zoe says excitedly.

"What is it?" Phil asks.

You pause for a moment, unable to speak. Terrified.

"Y/N? Come on..." Pj whispers behind you.

"I-I-Wanted to say..." You begin, trying to muster up the courage.

You can't do it.

You close your eyes and sigh.

"Thank you for the necklace."

"Oh... You're welcome. You didn't need to come here though, a text would've been okay. I've got to catch my flight now, bye..." Phil turns and begins to walk away.

"Y/N what the f*ck?" Pj says.

"We came all this way. You better say it." Louise whispers.

"Cmon. Before he leaves." Zoe encourages.

"But what if he doesn't feel the same way..." You mutter.

"Y/N. You'll never know. You won't know till you say it. This is your last chance. Do it now, or regret it. No matter what happens, you can never know what will happen if you don't. You could go on your entire life without knowing. Do you want that to happen? Or do you want to f*cking say it for f*cks sake!" Pj says.

You remember what you told Charlotte.

You close your eyes and bite your lip.

"PhilIloveyou!" You shout out very fast.

Phil stops in his tracks and slowly turns around to face you again.

"What?" He asks.

You walk towards him, tears in your eyes.

"Phil I love you and I know that it won't make you stay or that you probably don't even feel the same way but I just needed to tell you before-" you get cut off by Phil pulling you into a kiss.

"Phil I love you and I know that it won't make you stay or that you probably don't even feel the same way but I just needed to tell you before-" you get cut off by Phil pulling you into a kiss

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(Adding friends cause why not and I have no friends aw sad face Ross and Rachel fucking lobsters what am I doing? I'll let you keep reading.)

"He got off the plane!" You hear Chris shouting excitedly.

You burst out laughing and look over at Chris, who's just back from the bathroom.

"Did I ruin the moment?" Chris asks.

You and Phil both nod and giggle.

"We are not getting on that plane." Phil's mum says to his dad.

"But- it's a great job!" His dad argues.

"Your current job is great at the moment. I don't want to have to find a new job, or make Phil move. Again. We are staying here." His mum says.


"No buts." She walks up to Phil and takes his suitcase. "Don't be late home." She smiles before dragging Phil's dad out of the airport.

"So..." You and Phil say awkwardly.

Chris whispers something in Phil's ear.

"Uh Y-Y/N. Will you be my girlfriend?" Phil asks.

"Well... I don't know. Think you're beneath me..." You say sarcastically, looking down at your nails.

"I love you too." Phil smiles, before you pull him into another kiss.

Yooooo wooooo.
I feel like this was the season finale or some shit.
It would be the end, if there wasn't a SHIT ton of loose ends to tie up, I have no idea when I'm planning to end this.
Im ill (sad face) but I'm also glad to be getting away from everyone at school rn. They're hella stressful.

Also, I joined a group account with XxCuteBunnxX. It's called _Cute_Bunns_

Bye lads.

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