Chapter 29

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You wake up and check the time. 1:35pm. You're eyes widen as you realise how late it is. You leap out of bed and rush to the kitchen, ready for some food.
In the kitchen are Emily, Erin and your auntie eating what you presume is their lunch.
You go and make some coffee to help wake yourself up.

"Well you got up late." You aunt says as she wraps some more noodles round her fork.
"Yeah, I was late getting to sleep." You explain as you pour the cup of coffee.
"Ah, well, least you're not as late as your mum."
"Is she still asleep?" You ask in shock. Usually your mum is the first up. She has yoga class at 9:45am on a Saturday.

"Yeah. I don't know why though. I'm guessing she had a little too much to drink, y'know."
"Wait... What about the baby?" You realise. Your aunt turns to face you, shock on her face as well as she realises.
"Oh dear."
"What should we do?" You ask as you take a sip from your coffee.
"You don't worry about it. I'll talk to her." Your aunt says as she finishes her lunch.

You nod then head up the stairs with your drink. As you're walking to your room, you hear a loud bang from your Mum's room. You place your coffee on the ground and run to her room.
You push open the door to find your mum on the ground beside her bed.
"Are you okay?" You rush to help her up.
"What we you doing out of your room Y/N? You're grounded!" Your mum exclaims as you help her stand up.
"Since when? Why?"
"Since you came home late last night! Go back to your room now!"

You make a confused face then speed walk to your room, picking your mug of coffee up on the way. You get changed into a galaxy/totoro sweater and a black skirt/pair of jeans.
You flop onto your bed and pick up your laptop and begin a conversation with Phil on Twitter.

Y/T/N: Haiiii.

AmazingPhil: Hai there, we still meeting up later??

Y/T/N: can't sos I'm grounded. Not even allowed to leave my room.

AmazingPhil: Why?

Y/T/N: apparently I was home too late last night. I'm guessing I've been grounded till Monday.

AmazingPhil: that's only two days. You spend a lot of time inside anyway.

Y/T/N: yeah I guess.

AmazingPhil: Anyway, have you uploaded to YouTube lately?

Y/T/N: crap! No!

AmazingPhil: and you wonder why I have more subs than you XD

Y/T/N: hey!

AmazingPhil: XP

Y/T/N: I'll make a new vid later.

AmazingPhil: Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you something?

Y/T/N: yup.

There's  a long moment of silence as you wait for him to reply. It usually doesn't take this long for him to reply.

AmazingPhil: I forgot. Nvm.

Phil's POV

AmazingPhil: Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?

Y/T/N: yup.

I type it in, then consider weather I should or shouldn't send it.

Just do it Phil!
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!

I shake my head, delete the question and type something else.

AmazingPhil: I forgot. Nvm.

Ugh. I'm such a pussy.
Why can't I just do it?

Yo wassup.
Not much, wbu?
Oh, I'm doing great. Caroline's being a lil hoe tho.
Aw hell no what's that Caroline bitch doing now?
Well, she keeps saying that she and Greg are dating, they really aren't.
Fuming hoe.

I have no idea what that was.
I don't even know anyone called Caroline or Greg.
I just thought of really white names.
I apologise.
Bye now.

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