Chapter 54

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You flop onto your bed and smile before getting up again and having a shower.

You dry yourself off and change into some pjs then take off your makeup.

You sit on your bed and scroll through all social media sites, then watch some YouTube videos before closing your laptop and climbing into bed.

As you close your eyes, your phone buzzes and a bright light illuminates the room.

You groan and pick up the phone to read the text you just received.

Unknown Number:
Can't wait to see you again. Don't get too comfortable.

You furrow your eyebrows and reply.

Who is this?

Unknown Number:
Who do you think?


Unknown Number:
You'll find out soon enough.

Do I know you?

Unknown Number:
Well, our first introduction was brief. I hope we get to talk more this time.


Unknown Number:
See you soon!

Who is this?!?

Message seen

You sigh and turn your phone off again, rolling over and closing your eyes, falling into a deep sleep.



A sudden noise from you back garden awakes you.
You leap out of bed and rush to the window, searching for the cause of the noise.


You continue to look until you hear your door creaking open.

You slowly turn around to see a slim figure standing in your doorway.

"Lovely evening, isn't it Y/N?" The girl whispers.

"W-A-" You begin, but get cut off.

"Shush. Now, I've already visited, what? Ten or so people tonight. I'm tired. Let's just make this easy, shall we?" She takes a few steps towards you.

"Wh-" you begin, but again, you get cut off.

"I said shush. Okay? So, are you going to do as I say, or will you put up a fight like everybody else did?"

"I..." You take a few steps backwards, but she grabs your wrist, squeezing it tight.

"Come with me."

"No." You try to pull your wrist back.

"Ugh. I've not got time for this. I want to get to the good stop."

She takes out a cloth and shoves it in your face.
The smell of chloroform immediately hits you as your eyes become heavy.

"Is Dan the only one of them that can put up a decent fight?" You hear her whisper to herself before completely blacking out.

Hi hello short chapter, I might update later today, might not.
I probably won't, I have a mini story to write for English and it has to be between 200-500 words and it's killing me.
I'm writing it about a transgender woman and I can't, for the life of me, make it short enough.
I also have a rehearsal at my school from one till five. Kill me. It'll probably be fun tbh.
I just remembered that I also have rehearsals for a different show that I'm doing, this one I actually have multiple lines in, tomorrow. And I have no friends at that drama club.
I also have to find someone to take to a Pierce The Veil concert that I'm going to, and I might not be allowed to go.
I should be though.

Ido what I'm doing rn.
Imma go.
Bye lads.

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