Chapter 36

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You've been sitting in a room with Chris, Pj and Pj's friend, Carly, for almost an hour now.

"How long is it going to take?" You blurt out impatiently.

"Hey, I haven't done this since I was 14. Give me a little slack!" Carly says. "I am, however, done."

You, Chris and Pj all huddle round the computer Carly's sitting at and look at the screen.

"Her name is Ashley Smith. She's 17 years old." Carly explains as she pulls up a picture of Ashley. You seem to recognise her.

"She seems familiar..." You try to remember where you've seen her before. "Oh! I saw her once when Phil and I were having dinner. As soon as she entered, Phil seemed to panic..."

"Well, where is she right now Carly?" Pj asks.

"Last time she was active on YouTube she was in a house down the street from LAD academy. Number 48." Carly explains.

"Let's go then." You grab your coat and pull it on. You begin to head out the door.

"You're welcome by the way!" Carly shouts after you, Pj and Chris.

"Y/N, shouldn't we have a plan first?" Pj steps in from of you.

"Yeah, we can't just waltz into this girls house. We don't know what she's capable of." Chris stands beside him.

"We know she's capable of hurting Phil. I'm not going to let her do that." You stop at the bus stop.

Just as you do so, the bus pulls up. All three of you pay on. You sit on a set behind Pj and Chris.

"But, Y/N, seriously, what are we doing?" Pj and Chris turn around to face you.

"I... Don't know." You realise.

"Oh! I have a lighter. We can light that bitch on fire!" Chris takes a lighter out of his pocket. You and Pj just stare at him.

"No? Bad idea? Okay then." Chris puts the lighter away.

Not long after that, the bus comes to a halt.

"I guess we'll just have to wing it." You say before exiting the bus along with the two boys.

All three of you march down the street to number 48. You pound on the door.
After no one answers, you swing the door open and waltz in.

"Guess we are just waltzing into this girls house..." Chris mutters.

You quickly shush him before walking cautiously down the hall of the one story house.

All the doors are shut and locked apart from one at the end of the hall. It's almost shut, but not completely.

You creak it open and step in.

"Holy sh*t." All three of you whisper in unison as you take in your surroundings.

The room is like an entire shrine to Phil. The walls, ceiling and floor are plastered with pictures of him surrounded by hearts. There's a table in the middle of the room.

You slowly creep up to it, Chris and Pj right behind you.

On the table are Phil's old glasses, a lock of his hair, one of his shoes, his stuffed lion and a framed picture of him and Ashley that's very likely photoshopped.
Of course, what shrine isn't complete without some candles. That's what's all over the floor around the cardboard cut out of Phil.

Pj begins to look around the room, Chris following him, shaking like a cowardly puppy.

"I found another note..." Pj and Chris walk back over to you. Pj has another note in his hand.

"I knew you'd get here.
Philly and I have taken a little holiday. Don't wait up.
~ A."

"Why's she still signing off as A? We already know who she is." Chris says, resting his head on Pj's shoulder.

"Really? Out of all the questions, that's the one you choose to ask?" Pj says.


Phil's POV
(Six days ago)

I slowly open my eyes.
I feel sick.
Where am I?

I begin to look around the room. It's a poorly lit bedroom. I go to scratch my head when I realise my hands are tied together.

The door creaks open to reveal...


"Oh, Philly, you're awake!" She sits on the opposite side of the bed from me.

"W-Ashley-Where am I?" I begin to panic. I try to move, but my legs have been tied to the bed frame.

Ashley crawls beside me and rests her head on my chest.

"We're in my room, silly. But, we won't be here for long. We're going on a trip today."

She uses one of her bony fingers to trace circles on my stomach.

I struggle, but she pushes me down. She's pretty strong for a girl her size.

"Let me leave, Ashley." I say as she straddles her legs over me.

"But, Philly, you barely arrived. Oh, we're going to have so much fun together...."

Yo, so, I've been writing my danisnotonfirexreader and...
I don't think it looks good.
If anyone reads it when it comes out, bare with me. I promise, it will get good.

I've also just realised, I had seven friends come round for my birthday thing.
Only three of them got me a present.

The entire thing was hella last minute though, so I don't blame them.

One more thing, my message board doesn't work for me, so if anyone leaves a message for me, I can't reply to it. I can see them though, and I appreciate them.

Also, I have a million Instagram accounts. I'm logged into three right now.

My main account
My spam account.
And some pointless one.

Lads, I need friends. Follow me on my pointless one. Dm me.
It's called 'uhhellothere' and the profile picture is of Dan and Phil.

Wow, did I really just ask people to follow me?
I need a life.


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