Chapter 55

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You slowly open your eyes to a dimly lit room.
Cold chains are wrapped around your hands.
You look around at the dark figures chained up in the room, able to make out who the people talking are.

"Where the f*ck are we?" Chris asks from across you.

"I don't know." PJ says.

"Who are all the people here?" Caspar whispers to someone beside you.

"I don't know." Joe whispers.

"Hello?" Chris calls out.

"That you, Chris?" Joe calls back.


"I'm guessing that's you, Joe!" PJ joins in the conversation.

"Yeah, guessing that's Peej?"

"Yeah. Who else is in here?" PJ calls out, seemingly to everyone.

"Me!" Caspar says.

You, Holly, Charlotte, Zoe, Mikey and Jake also call out 'me'.

"Who's the other person over there?" Zoe asks, referring to the person leaning against the back wall.

"It's Lacey. She's still out though." Charlotte explains.

"Where are we?" You ask.

"I don't know." Zoe says.

"Hm. What's the last thing you guys remember?" Holly asks.

"Being chloroformed." Everyone says in unison.

"By who?" Holly asks.

Some people say that they don't know or that they couldn't see, but you know exactly who.


"Ashley's dead, Y/N." Chris says.

"No she's not."

"Yes she is. Remember? Dan hit her with that metal thing." PJ insists.

"But we didn't check her pulse..." You say, remembering what Phil was worrying about a few days ago.

"Shoot. We didn't, did we?" Zoe says, panic entering her voice.

"Crap." Jake mutters.

"But, why would she kidnap us? Doesn't she want Phil?" Mikey asks.

"Yeah." Charlotte agrees with him.

"But we stopped her last time..." PJ begins.

"So she took us here to make sure we don't interfere!" Chris finishes PJ's sentence.

"Wouldn't Dan be here too then?" Zoe asks.

"Yeah. Where's Dan?" Charlotte asks.

"Danwhatwhere?" Lacey springs to live at the mention of Dan's name.

"Not here." Jake says seemingly bitterly.

"Where are we?" Lacey asks.

"You people keep talking, we'll explain to Lacey." Mikey says.

"Well she seems to have something else to do with him. She'll probably have him somewhere else, or did she not take him at all?" Caspar says.

"She one hundred percent took him. I remember her complaining to herself about the fact that he was the only one who 'can put up a good fight'." You explain.

"We-" Pj begins, but then gets shushed by Joe who seems to be trying to listen to something.

Everyone in the room, including Mikey, Lacey and Jake who were whispering to each other, falls silent and listens.
There's loud thumping on the wall that you are leaning on.
Muffled voices are also heard, one seeming very intimate while the other seeming quite terrified.

"Insane bitch." Chris mutters after a long moment of listening to the sounds.

You hear the door in the next room open and shut, followed by footsteps coming closer to you as the person in the next room cries.

"Helllooooo everybody!" Ashley bursts in, a bright light from outside illuminates the room before the door shuts again, leaving the only light to be the dark, flickering one on the ceiling and Ashley's candle.

Nobody speaks for a minute.

"Well. Rude. How's everybody's stay going?" Ashley says, breaking the silence.

"Why the f*ck are we here?" Mikey asks.

"Because you're all pricks who I know would ruin the wedding if I just left you. Plus, what's a wedding without guests?" Ashley smiles.

"What wedding?" Joe asks.

"Me and my Philly's wedding of course!"

"You're not getting married to Phil." Charlotte says.

"Of course I am! Now, are there any more questions before I leave?"

"Where's Dan?" Lacey asks.

"Since when were you so interested in Dan?" Mikey asks, obviously annoyed.

"Oh, he's just next door to your left." Ashley nods her head to the wall opposite you.

"Can we go?" Holly asks.

"Pahahaha! Good one!" Ashley cackles.

"You can't actually think you're going to marry Phil!" You raise your voice.

"What do you mean? Do you think I won't? Can't you just accept that he still loves me and stop being a bitter ex?" Ashley kneels down in front of you.
You reach out to grab her, but can't due to the chains.

"You're the bitter ex, bitch. I'm not even the ex."

Ashley slaps you across the face.

"Now. Any last questions?" She gets up and stands by the door.

"Who touched you as a child that makes you think this is all okay?" Mikey asks.

Ashley doesn't answer. She just swings open the door and storms out, slamming it shut behind her.

"Okay. We've got to stop this, agreed?" Charlotte says.

"Yup." Everybody else, including you of course, nod their heads.

Hi hello there I wrote this in a rush to get up and this chapter is shit, ik, don't judge me for it.
I have no idea what's even happening in this story. I was going to write more fluff in the last chapter n shit, but then this entire bitch ass situation was created.
I feel like I might just be wanting to emphasise more on the fact that Ashley is a sadistic bitch ass hoe who's out of her mind.
My social life is still pure shit. Nothing new there.

Bye lads.

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